The Ultimate Insolence: Palestinians Plan Construction Of Neighborhood At Site Of Yehoshua’s Altar


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In an egregious act of chutzpah, the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Local Authorities published documents regarding construction plans for dozens of housing units at the site of the ancient altar of Yehoshua on Har Eival in Samaria. The documents were revealed by the Forum for Struggle Over Every Dunam, which seeks to prevent illegal Palestinian expansion in Area C under Israeli control and other regions in Judea and Samaria.

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The historic site, discovered by Prof. Adam Zartal in 1980, dates back to the period of Yehoshua, who led the Jewish nation into the land of Israel more than 3,300 years ago. The kosher animal remains and ancient Hebrew script found near the altar all testify to it being an ancient Jewish place of worship and this corresponds with the description in the Torah and in the book of Yehoshua.

The Palestinians have made it their mission to try and demolish historic relics which attest to the thousands of years of Jewish presence in the land of Israel, and Israel’s government has been slow to react to the destruction.

Samaria Regional Council chairman Yossi Dagan is now demanding that action be taken, following the revelation that the PA is actively marketing the lots at the site.

“This is the ultimate chutzpah. It’s absolutely brazen. I call on the government to intervene to halt this disgrace immediately,” Dagan said. “Yehoshua’s Altar is a site with historical significance, one of the sole remains dating all the way back to the period when the Children of Israel first settled the Land. This crime is not to be blamed on the murderous Palestinian Authority, whose intentions are known, but rather on the Israeli government and every official who could be stopping it and isn’t. History will judge severely those who abandoned Israel’s historic sites,” he added.

“The government must use its authority and responsibility according to international conventions to protect this historical site. It must order the cessation of construction and the closure of the site, and declare the entire area a national heritage site. The actions of previous governments led to a vacuum that was filled by the PA, which has one goal: erasing all evidence of the Jewish People’s connection with the place,” he stressed.


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1 year ago

Time to tell them that any farther destruction of Jewish historic or religious sites will be considered an act of war .

Yeah Yaeh
Yeah Yaeh
1 year ago

Looks like a Swastika, could have been anyones alter.

1 year ago

Who runs the show? Cripples?