OP-ED: You Don’t Have To Be Zionist To Side With Israel Against Its Enemies


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The unceasing debate about the right of Israel to exist  legitimately according to Torah theology will continue forthwith, just as it has for the 75 years of its existence. Some see it as the portent of Moshiach, others say that its very existence delays the coming of Moshiach. This is a Machlokes Leshem Shamayim, a debate which has its sources in differing approachs and understandings of Torah texts.

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The debate, however, has no relevance to the current situation in Israel. Almost a half of the Jews in the world already live in Israel, within another few years they will be a clear majority of Jews. They have no other place to go, no inclination to leave the place where they live and no reason to abandon the homes that they were born in. Israel’s population are patriotic, predominantly Jewish and determined to defend the land where they live irrespective of their political opinions.

The Palestinians do not just aspire to a homeland of their own, they also represent an existential threat to each and every Israeli. Murdering Israelis is a legitimate method for them to attain their national objectives and they will stop at nothing to obtain these objectives, targeting civilians both young and old and sowing terror and mayhem in Israel’s streets and towns.

These are clearly not legitimate ways to pursue an international struggle, nor are they justifiable actions for a nation wishing to live in peace with its neighbors. Has the Palestinians wished, they could long ago have established a thriving state on the land already in their possession and would probably have attracted foreign investors as well as Israeli Arabs to live among them. However, despite huge sums of international funds being invested both in the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas entity in Gaza, neither has shown any inclination to eschew terrorism or disavow their goal of eradicating Israel by whatever means possible. In this goal they are no different from Iran, which has denied the Holocaust and called for the nuclear destruction of Israel.

Obviously the terrorists in Jenin, even if one views them as freedom fighters, militants or gunmen, would not care in what way Jews in Israel are eradicated, as their indiscriminate terror attacks prove. The Jenin cell was planning a terrorist attack in a major city in Israel and therefore had to be eliminated. This has nothing to do with Zionism, it has to do with the survival of Jews, chareidi and secular, living in Israel, irrespective of their views. There can be no identification with such terrorists, no condoning of their actions to promote their political goals.

Even Israeli Arab – Ra’am chairman Mansour Abbas admitted that killing innocent civilians is no way to bring peace. Identifying with such vile murderers is morally wrong, ideologically warped and causes harm to the Jewish nation as a whole. Those who seek Israel’s demise must be careful not to mix with those who seek such goals through murder and destruction.

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Jews Wake Up
Jews Wake Up
2 years ago

Every member of the Neturei Karta is a RODAIF.

When will Jews get SERIOUS about stopping this very dangerous evil?

2 years ago

Even Israeli Arab – Ra’am chairman Mansour Abbas admitted that killing innocent civilians is no way to bring peace.

I don’t believe him for a second. The good arab – bad arab game can only fool the most gullible.

Last edited 2 years ago by LFCYNWA
2 years ago

there’s no question we support Israel and want it to succeed economically, militarily, to be a safe heaven for Jews. success also means for Israel achieving real peace.

There’s nothing to negotiate about with the likes of Hamas or any terrorist group that kills civilians and any group whose end goal is anything other than a peaceful Palestinian nation living in peace with Israel.

any Palestinian who doesn’t accept Israel’s rights (to exist as a Jewish state, free from threats..) should not be surprised that their rights are not realized. destroying Israel is not a right, but an evil desire.

unfortunately Smotrich and Ben Gvir are little more than flame throwing arsonists, hornets nest stirrers, loud moth good for nothing agitators. they are harming Israel’s security and its relationship with Arab countries like AUE and Saudi Arabia and many others.

Smotrich and Ben Gvir and their undisciplined angry hilltop settlers who advocate genocide “getting rid” of the Palestinians are the mirror image, the Jewish version of the the “angry Arab street” which is driven by incitement, anger, revenge and deep tribalism. this mindset while it might feel good for a short while, giving the illusion of power to a disillusioned people, but in the long run it has hindered the Palestinians in achieving anything, it has not helped it.

the success of Israel has been by working smart, using our brains not our emotions, using technology, an advanced economy, being innovative by building a strong, disciplined and moral military, the worlds best intelligence agency which eliminates terrorists, smart diplomacy and so on. on the other hand indiscriminate revenge (burning uninvolved Palestinian homes) anger, revenge, violence, is the Arab method, and it does not work, period, why on earth would we emulate a losing strategy??

our success has allays been by working smart and not doing crazy things out of emotion, leave that to the Palestinians, its not a wining strategy.

Armed and dangerous (ret.law enforcement)
Armed and dangerous (ret.law enforcement)
2 years ago

That’s basically it

2 years ago

As Rabbi Berel Wein wrote over forty years (not in relation to this at all) throughout Jewish history it has been a common repeating situation that the (1)the furthest hardliner position in the Orthodox Jewish community (2) the furthest left wing anti-religious secular Jewish anti-Semites and (3)non-Jewish anti-Semites have found common cause and preached the same political ideas about issues of concern to the Jewish community .
When I first read that I couldn’t imagine that was correct but today  when I see certain elements in Satmar, J Street, Ifnotnow, and various anti-Semitic groups all being the same outliers saying the same thing about Israel I see how true it is. 

2 years ago

What does the HEADLINE have to do with the text of the piece? NOTHING. The ugly fact is that probably half (more?) charedi Jews hate Israel and hope the first Jewish homeland ib 1,927 years is destroyed. This “fifth column” aids and abets the enemy and amplifies every Israeli shortcoming. Even as many live there, travel there, get benefits, don’t pay taxes or serve in the IDF. Time for an article about that.

2 years ago

“Almost a half of the Jews in the world already live in Israel, within
another few years they will be a clear majority of Jews.”

That is a run-on sentence; a semicolon should be used between “Israel” and “within”. Alternatively, the word “and” could be inserted after the comma between those two words.

2 years ago

The truth is the only “mainstream” group that tolerates and supports meeting with terrorists is SATMAR only SATMAR

2 years ago

the satmar that supports them are the zalis
not ahronis