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NEW YORK (VIN Podcast) — Artscroll Gemaras are an extremely valuable tool, which help thousands of people learn. The question is, can they sometimes be used as a crutch? Should Yeshiva and Kollel guys ever use an Artscroll Gemara?
ALSO: Cell phones in shul can be a huge distraction, yet some people cannot resist the urge. How big a deal is this? What can be done to get cell phones out of shul permanently? Should shuls crack down on this very annoying habit?
NEW SEGMENT: Letters from Mishpacha and Ami Magazine. Yaakov chooses certain hot-button letters, reads them on air and shares his thoughts and analysis. (This should be fun).
Yaakov M is the Charedi Sean Hannity.
He is a senior columnist for VIN and former Op-Ed columnist for Newsmax. He’s hosted a conservative podcast for 15 years, studied in Kollel 14 years, was a Bais Medrash Rebbi over a decade, and obtained smicha from a top Rosh Yeshiva. (Opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect Daas Torah.)
If you’re tired of boring or fake news, you will love this podcast.
A day late and a dollar short. The ‘discussion’ about Artscroll Gemaras for Yeshiva guys had been over for 15-20 years already. Why is he making something out of it now? ‘Real’ Yeshiva guys don’t learn from an Artscroll Gemara, not-so-real ones may, that’s how it is, and that’s how it’s been forever. Daf-Yomi learners use it in droves, for better or for worse. Others use it as a reference or verification tool, and perhaps that’s good too. What’s left to ‘discuss’?
Cell phones in Shul? This is something new? Nothing has changed significantly in that regard either. Most shut the ringer when in Shul, conscientious people go out of Shul when they need to use it for a text/call/email, and occasionally someone forgets to shut the ringer (it’s always the same guy, right?). So what should we re-hash.
I’m so glad we have a “Jewish” Sean Hannity. I can’t listen to him either…
If a young man will learn better, appreciate the learning more and will accomplish more/cover more daf, he absolutely, definitely should use Artscroll and learn better and more! I’m tired of those Roshei Yeshiva who will not be flexible where a bachur needs that flexibility and would, seemingly, rather the bachur leave the Yeshiva than to open the Artscroll.
It depends on the talmid and the Yeshiva. I needed Artscroll in 1990 to get through Makkos coming from an MO high school. It was a big boost to my confidence and my skills to have done it. From there, I learned to crawl, then walk. It depends on the matzav.
Depends on who is the teacher, who is the student, what are the needs.
I remember when the Stienzolts gemoras first came out. There were many students that used them. Afterwards there was a ban on stiensoltz but Artscroll improved on them, now there is the Mestivata which is even deeper.
It is not a simple Yes or No answer, it all depends on the situation. But what ever helps is good.
Just know this the Mesivta Shas is just a yeshivish version of Artscroll.
If these boys use Artscroll how will they develop the critical thinking skills to understand it often makes more sense to be on Welfare than to work?
Seems like a slow news day, eh?
Artscroll gemorahs started coming out over 30 years ago. What can be done about cell phones? it’s been dealt with in yeshivas and shuls for years…
PLEASE if you need an issue for clicks and comments, don’t just type whatever comes to mind first to avoid trying too hard.
Think of something fresh. Otherwise, you insult your readership, like throwing some stale bone to a dog which is exactly what you just did.
This has no place in an environment which is meant to train students how to study and analyze on their own.