A Modern Day “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” Against a Remarkable Yeshiva


    by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

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    This article is about a horrible incident that is occurring in our Torah community that must be stopped immediately.  It is Lashon Hara, rechilus, and Motzai Shem Rah about a remarkable Yeshiva.  But first, a quick introduction.

    There is a remarkable Kollel that has impacted the Torah community of Five Towns and Far Rockaway and, indeed, the greater New York area in remarkable ways.  This Kollel has produced yungeleit that have produced one of the leading Yeshiva high schools in the nation.  Parents rave about what this Yeshiva has done for their children and leading Gedolim across the country have sung its praises.

    Its yungeleit have gone on to take positions as Rabbonim in local communities and the Baalei Batim have grown immensely from these yungeleit. The yungeleit have taught shiurim in the community from Daf Yomi shiurim to in-depth shiurim on the Yomim Tovim and the entire community has benefited from them.  Graduates of the Kollel have become the leading experts in Eruvin, and communities from Kew Gardens to the Five Towns and elsewhere have mehadrim level eiruvim because of these yungeleit.  The Kollel is called Kollel Avreichim, and it is led under the capable leadership of Rav Leibel Rand shlita, a talmid of Rav Shneur Kotler from Lakewood.

    One of the most capable of these yungeleit has started a Kiruv program and Yeshiva program in Long Island that has taken intelligent young men from a Sefardiic community and has helped shaped and molded them into fine Bnei Torah – Bnei Torah that the entire Torah world would be proud of.  He has introduced these young men into the beautiful heritage of the Mesorah of Klal Yisroel.

    His name is Rabbi Eitan Rubin and his Yeshiva is called Siach Chaim.  There is no doubt that his portion lies with the meyasdim of Sinai Academy, the AIsh HaTorah and Ohr Sameach movements, and numerous other institutions that have brought about a sea-change in the Torah landscape.  Reb Eitan Rubin, and his wife, from a wonderful Persian family, has made an extraordinary difference in the Torah community of Great Neck.

    Unfortunately, there are some well-meaning people who have misread the situation entirely and have accused Rabbi Rubin of heading a cult.  Furthermore, there is a list of entirely false allegations that reads without exaggeration like the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”

    Nothing could be further from the truth.  Rav Eitan Rubin is an eidel and erlich tzaddik and talmid chochom who lives for Klal Yisroel.  He is an anav and everyone who knows him knows him to be an anav.

    Dr. Pelcovitz has also looked into this and has dismissed the allegations against Rabbi Rubin after investigating them.

    This author has hosted students of Rabbi Rubin and note that they represent the highest ideals of success in terms of Harbatzas Torah.  True, there are some parents who are unhappy that their children are now pursuing the path of Torah growth, but as any student of the history of the Yeshiva movement knows, Rav Aharon Kotler’s own family members felt that Rav Aharon should have pursued an education at the Sorbonne – rather than at Slabodka.  Imagine what the world would be like without the Slabodka Yeshiva and her students.

    The Persian community here in the United States has flourished precisely because the Yeshivos have taken in many from the Persian community in the seventies and eighties.  The Persian communities are richer for it.

    Rav Eitan Rubin did not, chalilah make up his own Mesorah.  I can personally attest to the fact that he seeks Torah guidance from leading Torah personalities in all that he does.  To suggest otherwise is ridiculous.  

    It is a regular, normal and wholesome Yeshiva.  Anyone who has met the bochurim know this very well. 

    There is a letter that is being distributed from a Rabbi who has clearly not investigated this situation at all and claims that Rabbi Eitan Rubin is a cult leader. 

    Allegations have been made that Rabbi Rubin makes everyone sign a contract that states that if there is ever a dispute between the Yeshiva and the students’ parents, the student is legally compelled to choose the Yeshiva.  This is entirely false.  One questions who could have made this up.  It is clear that this was designed to paint Rabbi Rubin as a sinister individual.  Anyone that knows him would laugh at this, were it not for the fact that it is so damaging. 

    Below we find letters of support in alphabetical order from Rav Mordechai Dick, Rav Chaim Flohr,  Rav Yoseph Mermelstein, Both Novominsker Rebbes, Rav Leibel Rand, Rav Beryl Shachar, Rav Yehudah Svei, and Rav Yaakov Skoczylas, among others.

    The author can be reached at [email protected]


    הנה מילתא דעבידא לגילויי הישיבה הקדושה שיח חיים דגרייט נעק לאנג איילענד יכב”ץ וחבר לומדי הכולל דשם והקהילה הקדושה החוסים בצילה הי”ו בראשות האי גאון וצדיק איש מופת הרב איתן ירמיהו רובין שליט”א אשר חפץ ד’ בידו הצליח להוציא יקר מזולל ולהעמיד תלמידים הרבה אשר עז חפצם וכל ישעם בתורה ולומדים בהתמדה ומתעלים במסילה הסלולה ע”י רבותינו נ”ע מוסדי דור ודור בהבנה וידיעה וכל רואיהם יעיד עליהם כי הם זרע ברך ביראת ד’ ושמחת לימוד התורה וקיומה וקהילתם מיוחדת באורחות חיים ע”פ צניעות וקדושה מופתית ובונים בתים נאמנים ואיתנים עדים לגאון ותפארת לד’ ותורתו וכ”ז באמצעות מסירות נפש ממש כמובן והנכנס במחיצות מקדש מעט הזה מתרשם מהשראת קדושת התורה השורה בו ומרנין לב לחזות הוספת איזור זה בגבולי הקדושה


    ומי לד’ אליהם לחזקם ולהתאמץ בכל כוחו להקים דברי התורה הזאת שלא תהי’ ח”ו נופלת ואדרבה לתמכם שיפריחו ויוסיפו פעלים לתורה ותעודה ונאמנים דבריו שיתברכו בכל הברכות שניבאו הנביאים למחזיקי תורה ורב חלקם ביעוד גם כי יתנו עתה אקבצם בב”א

    מחכה לעוזר הדל ומגביה השפל,

    ברוך יהודה הכהן ראנד

    ראש הכולל פאר ראקאוויי לארענץ

    כיהודא ועוד לקרא במכירי קאמינא הן הבחורי חמד הן האברכים היקרים והן הראש ישיבה הגה”צ איתן ירמי’ רובין שליט”א

    יעקב דוב שחר

    ר”מ דישיבת עדיסאן


    דבר שפתים אך למחסור להוסיף על דברי הרבנים הגאונים, ה”ה הג”ר יעקב דוב שחר שליט”א והג”ר לייבל ראנד שליט”א, והסומך עליהם יהא נכון לבו ובטוח כי הולך בדרך יושר ואמת, ודבריהם א”צ חיזוק כידוע ומפורסם לכל . אשרי חלקם של הישיבה הקדושה שיח חיים וראש הישיבה הרב איתן ירמיהו רובין שליט”א אשר הן הן עדיו ואשרי המזדרז לבא לעזרת ה’ בגבורים לתמוך ולחזק ידי הישיבה הקדושה שיח חיים.

    הכו”ח לכבוד התורה רבניה ולומדיה,

    מרדכי דיק                                           יהודה שוויי

    ראש ישיבת היכל התורה                    ראש ישיבת פילאדעלפיא




    מצטריפנא לדברי ידידי הגר”מ דיק שליט”א אשר לכבוד ולתפארת היא להישיבה הקדושה שיח חיים ולהעומד בראשה שליט”א אשר הגאונים מוה”ר יעקב דוב שחר שליט”א ומוה”ר ברוך יהודה הכהן ראנד שליט”א מעידין עליהם וראויין המה לסמוך עליהם בתום וביושר, ובפרט אשר כמה מרבני הישיבה ביודעיי ובמכירי קאמינא אשר המה תלמידי חכמים יקרים ומאד נעלים.

    אלטר ישראל שמעון פרלוב                

    אדמו”ר מנאוואמינסק שליט”א             


    אני מכיר את הנהלת הישיבה, ואחד מהם הוא תלמידי, ונאמנים עלי דברי ידידי הג”ר לייב ראנד, והג”ר יעקב דוב שחר שליט”א, ואין כל ספק שיכולים לסמוך עליהם.

    החותם למען כבוד התורה,

    יוסף אלכסנדר הלוי מערמעלשטיין

    ראש ישיבת נאוואמינסק



    שמעתי מפי חתני ה”ה הרב יצחק אייזיק קרעש שליט”א ראש הכולל דישיבה שיח חיים בגרעיט נעק, את אשר הפליא לעשות ראש הישיבה הרב איתן ירמיהו רובין שליט”א בהעמדת תלמידים השוקדים על התורה ויראתם קודמת לחכמתם, והכל על טהרת הקודש על משכנות הרועים בדרך ישראל סבא, ובודאי כי הדבקים בה’ המחזיקים בידם יזכו לברכת עליון עץ חיים למחזיקיה ותומכיה מאושר,


    חיים אברהם דובער פלאהר

    ראש כולל זכרון מנחם

    גם אני אצטרף לדברי הרבנים הגאונים שליט”א המעידים על טוב טעמה של הישיבה הק’ שיח חיים שכבר יצא מכותלי’ בחורים ואברכים יראי ה’ וחושבי שמו הלנים באהלה של תורה ובודאי למצוה גדולה יחשב כל הבא בעזרתה.

    וע”ז באעה”ח

    יהושע העשיל פרלוב

    אדמו”ר מנאוואמינסק שליט”א

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    Michael aryeh
    Michael aryeh
    1 year ago

    My name is Michael Aryeh and I am writing this comment in support of the Yeshiva and specifically the Rubin family which I have known for many years now. I am extremely saddened and disappointed with all the false and disrespectful rumors, and attacks against the Yeshiva, their leaders, and the Rubin’s. I spoke in front of the panel a short while ago in their support and will continue until we can get an end to this nonsense once, and for all. My daughter, has been very involved with the Rebbetzin for many years now, and has achieved so much in her life religiously, which I attribute to the Rebbetzin and the rabbi, and what they stand for. Personally, as recent as this past Shabbat, when I have free time, I go the Yeshiva to learn one on one with one of the wonderful Bochurim. It is my opinion that this holy establishment should continue and grow, and expand to other communities as well, without any more interruptions and there should be ‏שלום על ישראל thank you.

    Sarah Franco
    Sarah Franco
    1 year ago

    Thank you this article and for clarifying that the rumors circulating about the Kollel are false. I have 3 married sons who attend Siach Chaim and can attest that this young, loving, wholesome Torah community is thriving, with baby strollers everywhere! Rabbi Rubin is an amazing and loved Rav, focused on the individual needs of each of his students. I know this because I have watched my sons grow into Torah centered loving husbands and great dads who are raising the next generation of Jewish youth with a pure love for Hashem. For that I am grateful and truly blessed. Kol Hakavod!

    Sari Eichorn
    Sari Eichorn
    1 year ago

    Rabbi Hoffman,

    Thank you so much for your article in VIN, bringing awareness to the travesty that is happening to this wonderful Kollel “Yeshiva Siach Chaim”. I can attest firsthand the unbelievable work that the Yeshiva does each day, and the fantastic products, that they have produced. This is due to the dedication, warmth, guidance, and direction they give these boys. The graduates from this Yeshiva are the finest boys, who are extremely well rounded, and go on to be part of the mainstream Yeshiva world. I hope that this will help, in educating the public, to refrain from listening and spreading the falsehoods that are being written and distributed about this wonderful Yeshiva.

    Rebbetzin Rona Wall
    Rebbetzin Rona Wall
    1 year ago

    I am also grateful for this article and was devastated to hear of the false accusations about Rabbi Rubin and this Yeshiva. My older son has been learning there since before he got married almost 6 years ago, and my younger son has been there since 2020. They have both grown, matured and even beyond the incredible Torah learning, warm community, inspiration and fun, they have increased their dedication and respect to the rest of our family who live a Modern Orthodox lifestyle. We could not be closer; Rabbi Rubin and his Rebbetzin demonstrate the highest levels of middos tovos towards us – we have been guests in their community in Great Neck many times. I feel so much love and appreciation for the hard work of Rabbi Rubin and his wife, and we will continue to support the Yeshiva in every way possible.

    Agent Emes
    Agent Emes
    1 year ago

    Wow. Thank you for the back story, and thank you for exposing such a travesty. To refer to the Protocols is absolutely correct. The Yeshiva is an excellent Makom Torah, true to the Mesorah of Klal Ysrael and the Yeshivas, and true to all Torah values.

    Rabbi Hoffman writes:
    “Rav Eitan Rubin is an eidel and erlich tzaddik and talmid chochom who lives for Klal Yisroel. He is an anav and everyone who knows him knows him to be an anav.”
    Yes, yes and yes! Ask anyone who knows Rabbi Rubin and they will affirm.

    Additionally Rabbi Hoffman writes:
    “Dr. Pelcovitz has also looked into this and has dismissed the allegations against Rabbi Rubin after investigating them.”
    How could anyone argue with this? Dr. Pelcovitz is world renowned!

    Thank you Rabbi Hoffman!

    1 year ago

    This is a terrible thing that is going on. Rabbi and Rebetzin Rubin are the most kind, wonderful and Erlich people. They show others what it means to be a torah yid and to live and breathe chinuch. They are emotionally health and wholesome people. To say that Rabbi Rubin is a cult leader is absolutely ridiculous. This lashon hara needs to stop immediately !

    Makes Sense
    Makes Sense
    1 year ago

    I saw a video of Harav Elya Brudny shlita speaking in the Beis Medrash of this Yeshiva, and he was so blown away he said he should make a Birchas Haro’eh.

    Michoel Benezra
    Michoel Benezra
    1 year ago

    I know Rabbi Rubin from the beginning, when he first started teaching in Great Neck. Rabbi Rubin has dedicated his life for the Great Neck community and for that matter the entire Persian community at large. Any ben torah in Lakewood (or another else) that came from Great Neck is because of this great Tzadik. From the way beginning about 10 years ago, he would travel to teach in Gn in order to create a spark in their community. Unfortunately, there are no other people in Great neck with a strong yeshiva background that can truly appreciate what he is doing. Literally taking boys and turning them into full fledged bnei torah at the highest level. I am not surprised at the opposition and tzaros that he is facing, he is the yetzer hara’s biggest enemy!

    A chutzpah to all of those who spread rumors about him. Chazak ubaruch Rabbi Rubin and the entire yeshiva. You are the true future of Great Neck.

    David Talus
    David Talus
    1 year ago

    I never got to see Lev Tahor up close. Would love to come and see a cult up close and personal…:) Anyone know what time mincha is in this Yeshiva?

    But seriously, this is crazy. When can we stop throwing around the word cult just for fun?

    hudis oppenheimer
    hudis oppenheimer
    1 year ago

    YOY! this is terrible! the noviminsker rebbes looked into this and wrote in support of the yeshiva! please stop the lushon hura! this is mamish disrespectful to go k’neged the rebbe!

    #chicken nugget
    #chicken nugget
    1 year ago

    I would like to give thanks to Rabbi Hoffman for taking the time to write this amazing, emesdik article!
    It seems that many people believe that they can run their mouths and publicize disgusting and rude comments that are also completely and totally Sheker. what is being said about Rav Rubin Shlita is very disturbing. the Kibbud Av Va’em there is amazing! Rav Rubin is not leading any type of cult! He is a Tzaddik!

    Yosef W.
    Yosef W.
    1 year ago

    At every bris we daven that the new yiddele grow in Torah, Chuppa and Maasim Tovim, and we give his parents a bracha that they should see him achieve all of these.
    I know this yeshiva, Rav Rubin and his wife, and I have seen the bochrim achieve all of the above by hard work and the inspiring hadracha by this Rosh Yeshiva. The kollel yungeleit inspire the beis midrash students, and open their homes to them.

    What a disappointment that when some parents are zoche to see a son grow up into a genuine ben Torah, without the need for social media, online entertainment and pop culture, they take it as a rejection of the family identity. To resort to fabrication of ridiculous accusations towards a yeshiva developing such remarkable young men is a disgrace.

    Thank you Rabbi Hoffman for helping to set the record straight.

    M. Fox
    M. Fox
    1 year ago

    Thank you to Rabbi Hoffman for this article. Over the past three plus years, I have met with and interacted with the Rebbeim, bachurim, and Rosh Yeshiva from this Yeshiva. It is truly a great place. I have done my research as well (three years worth) and have found a full compliment of wonderful people shteiging and striving only to be better. This is lead by the Rosh Yeshiva and his Rebbetzin who are gems. The klal would benefit from more Yeshivas of this kind, not fewer.

    “The Protocols” reference is spot-on, unfortunately, and the actual truth needs to be told.

    1 year ago

    Thank you Rabbi Hoffman for your well written article. I have personally known Rabbi Rubin and several of the students in the Yeshiva for a few years now and am saddened by these terrible rumors that are being disseminated in the Yeshiva world. All of the boys in the Yeshiva act with the utmost respect for each other, the Rabbis and the community as a whole. This is a true testament to what Rabbi Rubin stands for and is teaching.

    Leslie and steve socol
    Leslie and steve socol
    1 year ago

    Thank you Rabbi Hoffman. It is not always easy in todays world to stand up and declare something has gone wrong here and it needs to be righted.

    where those with perceived power and influence, are far to easily allowed to create false narratives to serve an agenda that even when the majority know they are lies , say nothing in order to not lose their own prayed for prestige while flying behind the coattails of false power

    Those who are willingly and falsely accusing Rav Rubin of nefarious motives are doing so at the peril of his family, students and the future humans that stand to benefit from the wisdom, kindness and belief in a true torah life.

    I can safely say that Rav Rubin is the reason that as our son took on a more Torah observant life we never lost our connection with him. He did what a good Rav should do….. guided him to his best self WITHIN his family…… never without them……: this is rare gift , that with the help of the humans willing to stand up and say enough,Rabbi Hoffman being one of them, enough lying about Rav Rubin and his yeshiva , enough believing the words of Rabbeim who have NEVER met him , seen his yeshiva or spoken to the Talmidim… Rav Rubin will have the zechus to continue doing the work he is meant to do.

    Josh Kay
    Josh Kay
    1 year ago

    I have davened in the Yeshiva on many different Shabbosim and have experienced a real dedication given to the Tefilah there. It seems the boys really daven like true Mentch’en. It’s usually followed up with a really practical shiur on various Torah topics, with nice mashalim for people of all types to gain from. Also, on more than one occasion the Rosh Yeshiva himself came over to where I was sitting in order to shake my hand and say Good Shabbos! Incredible! I felt so uplifted and honored.

    Paul Near Philadelphia
    Paul Near Philadelphia
    1 year ago

    Sorry; I tried to follow this, but too much Yiddish/Hebrew for this Goy.