Reminds me of when NFL players go crazy celebrating one touchdown in a regular season game which means nothing. We are all happy that some of the hostages have been returned but let’s not act as if we don’t know this is a bad deal. Israel caved to pressure and this is likely to hurt Israel in the long run (as did the Shalit deal)
1 year ago
I am thinking , try to imagine the last 40 days for the families…it’s erev shabbat you are waiting to see if your son or daughter is in the first batch….yes. no,,?? And yes there he is …. what a shabbos it would be so I am going home to my family intact this shabbos in bp…we should try to feel that gratitude to hashem…vezakeinu lekabel shabasos mitoch…..
Good deal or bad deal only a Navi can answer that’s a separate shalom chamurah
Esther in LA
1 year ago
It’s terribly easy for us to make a judgement call on this while we sit here in the comfort of our homes, knowing our families our safe.
1 year ago
Today is a new Tisha Baav. Israeli has captulated to terrorism
Boruch Matir Asurim!
Reminds me of when NFL players go crazy celebrating one touchdown in a regular season game which means nothing. We are all happy that some of the hostages have been returned but let’s not act as if we don’t know this is a bad deal. Israel caved to pressure and this is likely to hurt Israel in the long run (as did the Shalit deal)
I am thinking , try to imagine the last 40 days for the families…it’s erev shabbat you are waiting to see if your son or daughter is in the first batch….yes. no,,?? And yes there he is …. what a shabbos it would be so I am going home to my family intact this shabbos in bp…we should try to feel that gratitude to hashem…vezakeinu lekabel shabasos mitoch…..
Good deal or bad deal only a Navi can answer that’s a separate shalom chamurah
It’s terribly easy for us to make a judgement call on this while we sit here in the comfort of our homes, knowing our families our safe.
Today is a new Tisha Baav. Israeli has captulated to terrorism