(VINnews) — In a terrifying incident, a group described as “Hostile elements” – possibly terrorists – appeared to hijack the communication network of an El Al plane en route from Thailand to Israel on Motzei Shabbos. According to a report from KAN Reshet Bet, the group fed false instructions to the flight crew, likely designed to cause the plane to fly into dangerous territory. Thankfully, the crew did not take the bait, and the plane reached its destination safely.
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This is the second time such an incident has occurred in the past week, according to the report.
The incident took place over an area where the Iran-backed Houthis are active, although sources in Somalia claim that a group in the unofficial state of Somaliland, which recently signed an agreement with Ethiopia, is responsible for the attempted attack.
Instructions were given to the crew that were different from their pre planned route, raising suspicions that someone was trying to damage the plane or lead it to dangerous areas, maybe even to conduct a kidnapping.
The crew disobeyed the instructions and quickly switched to alternate means of communication, and Baruch Hashem they were able to arrive in Israel safely and without incident.
Amazingly smart pilots , operating under duress .
I hope Hashem destroys the Houthis and all other enemies of Klal Yisrael.