JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In a Twitter post on the issue of state funding of yeshiva students, former Knesset member and right-wing ideologue Moshe Feiglin says that stopping the funding is the best possible thing that could happen to the world of Torah.
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“It is good for the Torah and good for the charedim,” Feiglin said, since 1) No Torah study will stop 2) Yeshivos will direct private funding to those who are learning 3) Those who are not learning will learn a trade 4) The Torah world will be truly independent and will not depend on state money which comes attached to political demands.
Feiglin quoted Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz who had requested from Ben Gurion to separate religion from state. Ben Gurion answered that he would never separate the state from religion because if it is separate it will be independent and will present a challenge for every state. Instead he wanted the state “to grip religion in its hand.”
Feiglin said that it is impossible to totally separate the Jewish religion from a Jewish state, but it should at least be separated from politics as much as possible, for example rabbis should be appointed by their own communities and not with state intervention.
He concluded: “We will all be surprised at how well the Torah world will manage without the state’s assistance.”
עצירת הכספים לישיבות – טובה לתורה וטובה לחרדים.
— משה פייגלין (@moshefeiglin) April 1, 2024
Moshe Feiglin
guy’s got a point
hes actually right
What a breath of fresh air.
Because, most of our talk about this subject is all self serving, we believe very little of what we are saying.
Makes lots of sense. As long as the government hands out money, right or wrong, the have a right to set whatever conditions that they want. It’s the Golden Rule – “he who hands out the gold rules”
Same thing can be said about Israel begging America for money. America gives and then demands. Israel has the resources to be totally independent as Feiglin says of Charedim.
Sounds nice but…
It’s a lot more complicated
They can’t simply go out learn a trade and get a job
The government has a stranglehold on them. As long as they are conscription age there are restrictions that won’t allow any of that
The age is pretty high until they can legally go out and work.
Big problem.
Otherwise, he is making sense. Detach and do your own thing.
Who cares if it helps learning, that is a good thing. The issue is equal burden.
Feglin – address that point, or maybe you believe only some have to serve and others get a free pass?
I used to think very highly of Feiglin, but he has gone off the line of sanity in some things.
So basically, he also wants less people learning. Don’t these idiots realize the only thing saving EY Is the Torah being learned?