ROCKLAND (VINnews) — A terrifying home invasion took place in the Monsey region, in which a religious family’s home was invaded by three suspects around 2 am. Although the police were told and have launched an investigation, and there is surveillance footage, it seems there are currently no leads and little progress has been made.
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Realtor Chedva Dahan posted about the incident on Instagram, saying that on May 24 at 2:22 am, thieves broke into a relative’s home in New City, which is a popular neighborhood just north of Monsey, near New Square. As seen on security video, they tried to unlock the car in the driveway, but when that failed they entered the home through a LOCKED window and searched the home for car keys while the family slept.
They ran off with the car as well as cash.
It appears that there are no leads at this time, and it is not clear what efforts the local police have invested in identifying the suspects. This is clearly a frightening and disturbing incident, considering that the burglars were able to enter a locked home with a frum family fast asleep.
New City is a growing and thriving community, just minutes from Pomona, Forshay, New Hempstead, and Haverstraw.
Something constructive perhaps, the heimishe community needs one , two or more establishments/training centers that will 1. help us apply for a pistol/gun permit, (which it seems is being deliberately made to be a true ordeal for N.Y. residents (!!!!) 2. offer pistol (shooting) lessons for clients, and any / all other guidance needed in order to obtain a legal weapon, learn to USE IT , and offer any support regarding owning a real GUN. Why? stories like this are becoming more frequent, rachmana litzlan, .How long is it going to take for the frum community to wake up and be proactive, doiing what we need to do for the safety and protection of ourselves and our families? Not talking about being impulsive uncontrolled or aggressive. We must be realistic, if we are to survive the coming times in this jungle we are living in, besides of course, davening for Hashem’s mercy and help. It is no aveirah to do whatever hishtadlus needs to be done. First – the right and duty to bear arms. (second amendment to the U.S. Constitution) , applies to heimishe Yidden as well!
A burglar alarm! A good investment!
Law enforcement installed LPR cameras all over monsey area. Wonder is this will help track them down
If you can afford a BMW you can afford an alarm system to protect your family and a locator tag for your vehicle.
Need to have armed security patrol 24/7, constantly change their toute so burglars won’t know when security will be patrolling their street
Terrible. Another reason though not to buy ‘high German marques’ as so many rabbeim still advise.
They came for the car. They could probably have used an app to open & drive the car too. Both the car and the house need better security.
This is clearly a frightening and disturbing incident, considering that the burglars were able to enter a locked home. Why is it suggested it is more worrying because it was a frum family’s home? Would it have been better if the family was not frim, or even, chas veshalom, not even Yidden?
Here is a very cheap motion sensor w/alarm from Amazon:–RvIDfvaO0E8oaZb1e4k&dib_tag=se&keywords=cpvan%2Bmotion%2Bsensor%2Balarm&qid=1717342849&sprefix=cpvan%2Bmotio%2Caps%2C282&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1&th=1
this looks like the same gang that was targeting NJ communities over the past year. same height, same outfits, same methods.