(VINnews) — A stunning videotape that has just been released by House GOP investigators, showing former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as she was fleeing the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
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The content is truly breathtaking. In it Pelosi takes responsibility for her failure to have adequate security in the place at the Capitol to deal with the riot–which reaffirms everything President Trump has claimed about that fateful day.
🚨 Since January 6, 2021, Nancy Pelosi spent 3+ years and nearly $20 million creating a narrative to blame Donald Trump.
NEW FOOTAGE shows on January 6, Pelosi ADMITTED:
“I take responsibility.”
WATCH: pic.twitter.com/95a0totTWB
— Oversight Subcommittee (@OversightAdmn) June 10, 2024
“We have responsibility, Terri,” Pelosi is heard saying to her chief of staff, Terri McCullough. “We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. This is ridiculous.”
Pelosi also said: “You’re going to ask me – in the middle of the thing when they’ve already breached the inaugural stuff – ‘should we call the Capitol Police, I mean the National Guard?’ Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?”
McCullough replied: “They thought that they had sufficient … resources.”
Pelosi responded: “No, that’s not a question of how they had … they don’t know. They clearly didn’t know. And I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.”
The video was taken by Pelosi’s filmmaking daughter Alexandra for a documentary. The House Administration Oversight Subcommittee requested the video which has never been released before.
Pelosi’s spokesperson claimed this was a “cherry-picked out of context clip” that “numerous independent fact-checkers have confirmed that Speaker Pelosi did not plan her own assassination.”
GOP Congressman Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) said this crushes the Democratic narrative.
“Pelosi’s J6 Select Committee spent taxpayer’s money chasing false political narratives and using Hollywood producers for their ‘investigation.’ Her admission of responsibility directly contradicts their own narrative.”
Trump has said many times that he requested 10,000 National Guard troops from Pelosi, but was turned down. Pelosi has never denied Trump’s claim.
Pelosi’s J6 Select Committee spent taxpayer’s money chasing false political narratives and using Hollywood producers for their ‘investigation.’
Her admission of responsibility directly contradicts their own narrative. #J6Truth pic.twitter.com/xbNrkVopo7
— Rep. Barry Loudermilk (@RepLoudermilk) June 10, 2024
There’s a congressional hearing about this day and trump asking for heavy security and national guard riot police sent in. She never requested it
It’s all coming out the truth that is
Get rid of all the dems by voting them out !
She sounds like Biden….”the stuff”
C’mon Lady!! Time to call it a day and head to the closest old age home.
it’s pretty clear that this clip was “in the moment”, and before the dem strategists figured out how to weaponize the story.
The Secretary of Defense, and his subordinates who have responsibility for supervising the D.C. National Guard were also negligent, as they stood by, passed the buck, and essentially did nothing. In addition, Federal troops could have been brought in to guard the Capitol. On the other hand, back in April, 1968, when there were civil disorders in D.C., 40,000 Federal troops and the National Guard, were immediately deployed to protect the U.S. Capitol, the White House and other federal installations in the D.C. area. Then, they were not concerned with “the optics”, as was the case in 2021.
Not suprising from the lying cheating DemocRats
Don’t forget that the Jan 6 Committee gangsters deleted and erased records and transcripts, and Nancy the Ripper refused GOP representation .
Old news.we knew it jan 6
Nancy for the woodchipper of destiny..
Let’s see.
Pelosi bears responsibility for allowing the Capitol to be attacked.
Trump bears responsibility for instigating and fomenting an attack on the Capitol.
too little, too late
Them thangs be thangin tho