JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Jerusalem prosecutors indicted a 43-year-old resident of the capital after he was caught on camera three weeks ago breaking in to a wig store and destroying some 80 wigs, causing an estimated 1 million NIS of damage.
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Police had arrested the suspect in the wake of the attack which took place on May 24 and was filmed on surveillance cameras. The suspect smashed the glass entrance of the Dini Wigs store in the Har Chotzvim industrial zone and then proceeded to chop the long wigs one by one, causing irreparable damage.
הביטו היטב בתיעוד הבלתי נתפס הזה.
לאחר שהם הציתו בהצלחה חנות סלולר בבית שמש, התפנו הסוטים לדבר האמיתי: השחתת פאות.
כך בשבוע שעבר, בלילה שבין חמישי לשישי הגיע האדון הזה, חשוף פנים לחנות פאות בהר חוצבים בירושלים, חמוש בפטיש, ספריי ומספרים והצליח לחולל וונדליזם בלתי נתפס הנאמד…— יוסי ריינר | Yossi rainer (@yossi_rainer) May 28, 2024
In a video shared by Kassy Dillon on X, formerly Twitter, shop assistant Ayalla said: “Someone came in overnight. He just came in to destroy and damage the wigs. They don’t know exactly why. But he chopped up wigs and sprayed all over the wigs with graffiti spray.”
Ready to wear wigs from Dini cost between £1,500 and £5,000, but Ayalla said, “It is not only money, it is a destruction of handwork.” The wigs are handmade from real human hair.
Ayalla added, “There is a group of people that don’t want people to wear natural wigs. They want people to cover the hair with fabric and not with hair.”
The suspect was interrogated and an indictment has been issued as well as a request from the court to remand him in custody until the end of legal proceedings.
Police superintendent Lior Ben-Shalom said that “The accused acted out of ideological motives which he believed in, that wigs may not be used by women in the charedi sector, and he perpetrated criminal acts by entering a store and causing substantial damage. Detectives from the Lev Habirah station arrested the suspect and investigators succeeded in building proof of the actions committed, leading to an indictment.
In recent weeks opponents of wigs (which are worn by many charedi women but eschewed by other communities) placed ads on Jerusalem buses with the caption “Custom wigs? Transparent lace wigs? Laugh at someone else, not at Hashem”.
At the beginning of the current war, there were also tens of clips on social media of women who had allegedly “joined the trend” and burned their wigs to “Strengthen their Tzniyus” for the sake of Israel’s security.
Once some boys broke into a modern Orthodox shul in Williamsburg and stole their Israeli flag because they felt it didn’t belong in a shul. The Satmar Rebbe zya found out about this and told the boys they have to return the flag and pay for any damage. Real zealotry does not condone criminal behavior like this. Religious zeal is never an excuse for hooliganism. Peaceful protests are one thing, but this is a crime and a sin.
Why all the comments about sheitels ? The issue here is vandalism, geneive, gezeilah, breaking a parnossah. Measure tznius length another day. Unreal.
Should be made to wear one of the damaged wigs for 10 years
Yeah, yeah, tznius, tznius, but destroying a business, causing financial loss is ok. Destroying cell phone stores is ok. Where’s the eida Hachareidis on this one ??
“It’s always easier to someone else’s Cheshbon Hanefesh”
Cut off his entitlements, and garnish his wages until the damage he did is paid off
the vandalism is inexcusable, and hopefully justice will see that the attacker is punished. but the basic question of wigs remains. covering the hair may be a mitzvah, but how is it tzniyut to wear a wig that’s far more attractive than the woman’s own hair?
Women use cosmetics to feel more attractive , Chazal’s wives used them.
While I am not getting involved in a very contentious MACHLOKES regarding SCHEITEL [most of my relatives do wear it ], however there is NO HETER to either rob or steal even one PENNY , this man should pay the EXACT damages as it says in the TOIREH [ not a PENNY more ]. Anyway AL PI TOIREH he should not get arrested [ not even for one minute ] neither bashed nor embarrassed at ALL .
This anti-wig movement just might succeed at getting a significant percentage of women to stop wearing wigs – but they’ll be uncovering their hair, not switching to headscarves. At the end of the day, the women who are wearing these wigs are spending thousands of dollars on a mitzvah. Their natural hair they can wear for free.
Nut case.
women like to look nice.
The wigs are getting out hand.
A few points
No one thinks that’s its OK to make nezek on this scale and that’s precisely why its very rare for this to happen
This is also why u don’t need a proclamation saying don’t do this
Finally it doesn’t accomplish any practical goal
The parsha called xpensive shaitels is worthy of a separate discussion
Question if this criminal is married w a family what wud you tell his wife and kids
People post their boich sevaros here as if they are big scholars declaring that the size of the wig or using wigs at all are inappropriate
1. There is allot of things brought down about using shaitels specifically
2. Just because in your circles it’s unacceptable doesn’t give you the right to let loose. (To me it seems like most kanaim have got anger management issues and yiddishkeit is not real to them it’s merely external)
3. 2 wrongs don’t make a right so causing damage without 100 backing from Torah just makes you a rasha as well and a fool for good measure
4. Is this kanaie so careful in his own life about everything he thinks says and does that he feels he has the right to start destroying someone else.
How much was the damage that would be done with the wigs worth?
Not to compare apples and oranges but just to give an idea of how Rav Avigdor Miller answered a not so similar question
Could the rabbi comment on the two yeshivah boys who were jailed in Israel?
The two yeshivah boys who were jailed in Yerushalayim for burning the Eros pornography store. There’s nothing to comment. The boys are heroes. Today the youth do terrible things and you have committees. I don’t want to say who signs. Certain people sign on it, rosh yeshivos sign on committees to release boys who bombed or shot at the Russian embassy and there’s a lot of sympathy for them so in such an atmosphere, the question of where is the sympathy to two honest boys who burned down a pornography store in Jerusalem. It’s the only place. Never before did it happen. Not under the Turks, Arabs or Englishmen did anybody dare to open a pornography store in Yerushalayim, the sacred city. That itself is a sign that the country is rotten to the bottom.
Medinas Yisrael is rotten through and through. You have to know it’s rotten through and through. People don’t realize that the greatest peril to the Jewish nation today is the state of Israel. People say it’s fanaticism. They don’t understand. The greatest peril to our nation today is the state of Israel because you have today an organized group of atheists. They’re atheists and they’re not just atheists like the man in the street is an atheist who doesn’t care. They’re interested in wiping out Torah Judaism from the world, and they have today more power than any atheist ever had before. It’s the power of a nation, and all over America people are giving money. UJA, making evenings in the synagogues. So therefore I say, if you have any warmth in your heart, if you’re not entirely frozen towards Judaism, don’t give a penny to the UJA. And tell your friends. Don’t support the UJA. There are plenty of ways to help Eretz Yisrael. Because if you’ll send money to yeshivos, all that currency will circulate there. Everybody will benefit by the money. American money will enrich the country. Everybody will benefit. But don’t enrich the government. They have plenty of money without you. They’re swollen with funds. You know how much money they waste on useless projects? The philharmonic orchestra alone eats up a tremendous amount of money. There are worse things than that. That’s nothing.
And so these two boys, let’s say that they committed an indiscretion. To me it’s not an indiscretion. You have to do something. But let’s say they committed an indiscretion, but the court refused them bail and the court motivated, the court said we’re doing it in order to teach a lesson to the Orthodoxy. They were punishing the whole Orthodoxy. They’re punishing you and me. We shouldn’t think that we are going to be the ones who are going to tell them how Jerusalem should be. Yerushalayim can be a Paris as far as they are concerned, chas veshalom. That’s what they want. But we won’t let it. We don’t want it to be. We want Yerushalayim to be at least what the Turks wanted it to be. Not what the Jews should want it to be. If we can’t be in Yerushalayim as decent, I’ll tell a little story.
Somebody once showed me a copy of that rag, The Jewish Press. It showed a picture. An Arab was sitting on a donkey and a girl in shorts, presumably a Jewish girl, who else, was walking by. The Arab was looking at her and underneath was a caption. The Jewish Press was full of glee. For the first time in the history of the Old City, they’re seeing such sights. The Jewish Press, the Orthodox mouthpiece. It’s the other end. I won’t say what. They’re melting in happiness that finally we arrived at such a nachas that Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh where Arabs never before say anything like it, now we’re treating the Arabs to a scene, to a sight of what Jews really can do.
So besides that it’s a natural disgrace but when they told these boys we’re not giving you bail because we want to punish the Orthodox community, it was a declaration of war. We know it already. It’s old business. People in America are asleep. They don’t have any idea what’s taking place. They think that these Orthodox Jews are too pious, too extreme, and the people in Israel or the government, they don’t mean anything wrong. They want to build up the state. Only they’re not Orthodox but they have nothing against Orthodox. Nothing is further from the truth. They are actively interested in stamping out every vestige of Torah. They don’t want any Judaism. They want a brand new kind of ideology called Israel.
Will the rabbis and teachers who encouraged this behavior visit him in jail?
There is leeway in Halacha for destroying someone else’s property if he/she is sinning with that property. Might not be applicable here but maybe this guy’s Rov paskened for him that it’s muttar. If so, then it’s his decision to be willing to spend time in jail for doing so.
Maybe a crowd fund page to help her recoup some of the loss, think about a small shop I doubt insurance can sink a business
You all who have spit on Avraham Avinu when he destroyed his father’s warehouse of Avoda Zara. Because you are all hypocrites and you can’t tell your wives to remove this piece of idolatrous trash from their head. Your torah won’t save you from gehinam, because it already goes to the Sitra ahara because of your wives wigs. If just not bringing sefarims back after study causes this (haftez Chaim biography), you can be sure that your wive’s wigs do the same. All you torah goes to strengthen the Satan Yimah Shemo
destruction of avoda zara and especially in erez hakodesh is a mitzva and a kidush hashem ! The trash wig store is the one stealing the neshamots and sending them to the klipa. None of you will be never be a posek halacha that’s for sure. This mench just secured his olam aba !!
You all would have spit on Avraham Avinu when he destroyed his father’s warehouse of Avoda Zara. Because you are all hypocrites and you can’t tell your wives to remove this piece of idolatrous trash from their head. Your torah won’t save you from gehinam, because it already goes to the Sitra ahara because of your wives wigs. If just not bringing sefarims back after study causes this (haftez Chaim biography), you can be sure that your wive’s wigs do the same. All your torah goes to strengthen the Satan Yimah Shemo. Destroying Amalek is no murder, destroying avoda zara in erez ysrael (wigs are 100% ) is not a mitzva: it’s a Hiyuv !!
The women of the UK should put a scarf on there heads, like the Muslims, and send the money they save to the Belzers.