JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In an effort to save the Israeli yeshiva world which is suffering from huge deficits in the wake of budgetary cuts, Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Dov Landau left on Motzei Shabbos for the US to solicit emergency funds for the yeshivos.
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The 94-year-old Rabbi Landau, who heads the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, is set to establish the “World of Torah Fund” which will offer support to the yeshivos, whose budgets were cut by the High Court due to the lack of a draft law.
Rabbi Landau is accompanied by Rabbi Don Segal, the Rachamstrivka Rebbe, Rabbi Avraham Selim and Rabbi Yaakov Hillel. Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch, who is already in the US, and the Vizhnitz Rebbe who is arriving for his granddaughter’s wedding, will join the delegation of distinguished rabbis.
Rabbi Landau is staying with his close associate Rav Shimon Glick of Monsey who will be directing the new fund.
Immediately upon his arrival, Rabbi Landau held a gathering at Rav Glick’s house, attended by prominent wealthy donors from the US. Rabbi Landau said that “I have come here to cry: Save us, save us. The Yeshivos and Kollelim are in great danger. Please fill in the missing funds.”
Rabbi Don Segal cried: “Save us! As they are trying to destroy us, we must strengthen the yeshivos and kollelim which are the jewel of the Jewish nation.”
If there is a spare $100 million, it should be used to increase pay for rebbies and morahs here in the US, and to provide relief for parents struggling to pay tuition. The charedim leadership played a part in this crisis and it isn’t our job to bail them out at the expense of Jewish schools here.
When are they stopping off in Deal for a great deal?? It’s summertime. Everyone is there. Should easily be able to collect at least a third of what they need.
If they sent their leidikgeyers to drive ambulances for the IDF, they would not be turned into shnorrers.
Let mo get this straight for the past 30 years these same yexhivas were bleeding Americans blind while receiving full funding
Now they’re here yelling they need money again? Time that we started funding our yedhivas do our rebbis and mohras can earn a decent living
They’re here? Now I can sleep well.