WATCH: Israel Prison Service Releases Video Footage of Shifa Hospital Director’s Cell


ISRAEL (VINnews) — In a rare move, the Israel Prison Service has released video footage from the detention cell where the Shifa Hospital’s director was held before being released back to the Gaza Strip.

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The IPS released the video to refute the claim that the highly controversial release was due to a shortage of prison space.

The release of the terrorists was met with intense backlash, understandably.

The IPS published the order instructing the release of the director, signed by a military representative. “Unfortunately, due to false publications, we are forced to disclose the release order of the Shifa Hospital director. The hospital director was not released due to a shortage; the detainee was released from his cell in Nafha Prison,” the statement said.

The Shin Bet tried to shift the blame by accusing the IPS of having a shortage of prison space, which it claimed led to the release of the director of Shifa Hospital (in addition to other terrorists), who assisted Hamas’ terrorist activities and ran its headquarters at the hospital.

The Shin Bet said that it had been forced to send prisoners back due to a lack of space in jails.

“For about a year now, the Shin Bet has been warning in every possible forum…about the incarceration crisis and the obligation to increase the number of [cells], in light of the need to arrest terrorists in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip,” the agency said in a statement

“The incarceration crisis leads to daily cancellation of arrests of suspects involved in terror activities, and to direct harm to the security of the country,” the Shin Bet continued, claiming that overnight, several planned arrests of wanted Palestinians, including some who were planning terror attacks, had been canceled.

“Unfortunately, these requests… which were forwarded to all the relevant parties, chief among them the national security minister, which is responsible for this, were of no use, and in practice, the number of [cells] did not increase as needed,” it said, referring to Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

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2 days ago

They don’t need that much more jail space, all those involved in the October 7th massacre should receive a quick trial, and immediate execution.

In this way, there will be enough space terrorist and supporters could be kept for many years until they die of old age.
… Or they get traded in for a hostage sometime ר”ל.

2 days ago

This article is very unclear and would benefit by adding some background information.

Chamas hemelech
Chamas hemelech
1 day ago

Should’ve released them to the awaiting lynch mob.shortage of prison space solved

1 day ago

I’m curious to see what they eat daily….

mee hoo ze
mee hoo ze
1 day ago

Why would you take out an old terrorist for a new one?
They probably hypnotized him [or some other crazy brain plant] and bugged him and are waiting for some good location help on others.

2 days ago

It’s the humane thing to do. Maybe the goodwill generated will free the hostages