IDF Permits Writing Hashem Yikom Damo On Soldiers Gravestones

Picture: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — After the Yudkin family demanded that they be allowed to write Hashem Yikom Damo on the gravestone of their son Yisrael who fell in battle in May, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has allowed the addition of the phrase on military headstones of fallen soldiers whose families request it, according to a Times of Israel report.

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Hashem Yikom Damo is a standard formulation in religious circles for people who were killed because they were Jewish.

Many MKs, including from the coalition, had criticized the Defense Ministry and the IDF for initially refusing to allow the acronym to be added.

A committee set up by Gallant to address the issue has now recommended allowing that acronym or phrase, as well as zichrono/zichrona l’vracha, or zal, meaning “of blessed memory,” a Defense Ministry spokesperson says.

For many Israelis, the initial controversy over the acronym underscores the need for the defense establishment to accommodate the needs of charedi and other observant troops amid demands for greater participation on their part in the burden of military or national service.


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2 days ago

Hopefully this will bring the family a measure of nechama. And hopefully, there won’t be a need for such debates any longer! We will be zoche to Mashiach Tzidkeinu very, very soon!

Democrats support mutilating confused children.
Democrats support mutilating confused children.
2 days ago

How long until the Hamas MSM, Hamas JINOs, and Hamas Democrats get the Hamas State Department to condemn this.

1 day ago

It simply amazes me how EVERY website is writing this and they ALL get this one thing WRONG…. It’s “Hashem YINKOM Damo” NOT YIKOM !!! There is NO SUCH WORD as YIKOM…. Please CORRECT this MISTAKE

2 days ago

ALL of these young men are dying so that Bibi can tell corrupt 81 year old senile Joe that he is averting so called civilian casulities, how many Yidden have died because of BIBI? THOUSANDS.

Paul Near Philadelphia
Paul Near Philadelphia
1 day ago

Whatever. None of my business.

1 day ago

The top commanders in the IDF are secular leftist liberals who hate religious and charadim.
It is about time they begin to recognize our needs and our life style and being acceptable.

Yaakov S
Yaakov S
1 day ago

The fact that you need to get permission from the government is pathetic.

Philosopher Abe
Philosopher Abe
1 day ago

Living in Israel for over 40 years, I am actually quite concerned about this decision. First of all, there are Matzevot in military cemeteries that do have HYD on them, in the area allotted for personal family tributes. Secondly, insisting on writing it davka in the common area will very soon result in petitions to include other inscriptions (e.g. LGBTQ or other socially progressive profanities).

2 days ago

So happy I don’t have to make this decision on behalf of the Medina. I just have in the back of my mind what happens if somebody is unfortunately killed from “friendly fire” and the matzayva has הי”ד on it. Basically you’re saying that the friendly should be dealt with by the RBSO. Very very very sad.