IDF Gathering Info About Working Charedim, Prior To Sending 3000 Draft Notices

Picture: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The IDF has begun gathering information from the income tax authorities regarding young charedim at draft age who are currently working and receive a salary slip.

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A report by Israel’s Kan news outlet stated that the IDF intends at the first stage to send draft notices to these youths. It is estimated that the IDF will attempt to reach the quota of 3000 charedim per year without getting into a direct conflict with the yeshivos.

The current initiative is due to last week’s high court ruling that there is currently no legal framework allowing the IDF to distinguish between yeshiva students and others who are required to enlist. The judges did not express their opinion about how their ruling should be implemented – how many draft notices should be sent, but Attorney-General Baharav-Miara sent directives to the defense ministry urging that 3000 charedim should immediately be drafted.

A Defense Ministry committee which recently surveyed charedi youth claimed that a large proportion of them could be drafted, since 13% are not studying and not working, 39% are working, 19% are working and learning and only 29% are exclusively studying Torah. The survey recommended opening pre-army preparatory courses of between two weeks and a month to try and encourage charedi youth who are not studying in yeshiva to enlist in the IDF.


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2 months ago

The Israeli government is being incredibly stupid as usual…they are riling up the Chareidim while conspiring to give Gaza back to the terrorists. Unbelievable how stupid leftists can be, they are great for bringing instability and harm upon themselves.

2 months ago

Great way to disincentive working for a living.

2 months ago

Fair enough.
If you’re not learning full time, and you can work, you can also go to the army.
If you ARE learning full time, then that’s your place & you should stay there.
As for a kollel stipend, that’s why they have Bituach Leumi and working wives and many other benefits for low-income families.

2 months ago

So chareidim do work, after all. So when one works, do they have to register as a chareidi? Can somebody explain how your tax forms identify one’s level of observance.

2 months ago

It’s the right thing to do as the real learners don’t work

2 months ago

It’s legal to work and learn just needs to be part time. Everyone works it’s impossible to learn just on a kollel stipend, just sometimes it’s off the books…. Work could be baal koreh or tutoring too, this business that chareidim don’t work is not true !