READ: Zionist Rabbis Release Open Letter Opposing Dangerous Hostage Deal


ISRAEL (VINnews) — Several leading Religious Zionist Rabbis have released a letter, opposing a potential hostage deal with Hamas, if it would pay too steep a price in return. The open letter says that an agreement to withdraw troops from Gaza and swap captives in exchange for Palestinian terrorists would endanger many Israelis and thus would not be permitted.

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Signatories include Tzfat Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Ramat Gan Chief Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, Rabbi Dov Lior and Rabbi Elyakim Levanon.

In the letter titled “Daat Torah on the Redemption of Captives,” the rabbis outlined their opposition to a potential deal. They begin by saying that the mitzvah to redeem captives is one of the greatest and most valuable mitzvot in the Torah.

However the letter goes on to say that the danger posed by the release of the terrorists poses a threat to the entire community.

“The prices demanded to free the hostages endanger all Israelis, old, young, and women,” the Rabbis wrote.

“For example: releasing all the dangerous monsters so Hamas can rebuild its collapsed army, withdrawing from strategic areas and stopping the fighting before Hamas is defeated.”

“We suggest to our leaders that Hashem will give good counsel on how to redeem the hostages while ensuring the continued existence and peaceful well-being of the State of Israel.”

“Together with all the house of Israel, we pray that Hashem’s redeemed [captives] will soon return healthy and whole in body and soul, and may they come to Zion with glory and eternal joy upon their heads.”

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Accuracy Matters
Accuracy Matters
1 month ago

Pidyon Shvuyim is a Halachic imperative, but there are specific Halachic rules on when and how this should be done – and, more relevant here, when and how it should NOT be done. These Rabbanim are paskeining based on those Halachos, and should be respected for doing so.

1 month ago

I am absolutely in agreement with Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu .

1 month ago

Netanyahu now has to be careful with Harris. She wants a ceasefire.

1 month ago

Please , never mind : Zionist or Anti Zionist : [ and I am not a Zionist ],this deal PER SE is extremely dangerous for E. Yisrul , I wish heavily duty of outcry against this dangerous mishap will show up .