NYC (VINnews) – Anti-Israel protesters held up a portrait of assassinated Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and waved a pro-terror flag during a shocking demonstration in Times Square Wednesday afternoon.
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The hateful mob chanted “Free Palestine” while one protester held up a flag representing Hamas. Another demonstrator held up a photo of Haniyeh.
The same demonstrator, sporting a mask and sunglasses, wore a hat with a yellow headband around it that represents the terror group Hezbollah.
So they not only stick up for killing Jewish children, they also condone killing Druz children, but we all know that they don’t care about their own children, they use them as human shields ,
Netanyahu said it best We have weapons to protect our civilians, they have civilians to protect their weapons
Typical Muslim chutzpah.they come here as guests and then they want to destroy the host.they destroyed paris,london,Paris,, list goes on.the chazeirim know not to do this in an Arab country or they will be shot on the spot.stupod wdsterners.
we need to remind the world these are the people who celebrated and gave out candy when 9/11 occurred
a bunch of MISFITS
They’re not happy in Gaza ..
They’re not happy in Egypt ..
They’re not happy in Libya ..
They’re not happy in Morocco ..
They’re not happy in Iran ..
They’re not happy in Iraq ..
They’re not happy in Yemen …
They’re not happy in Afghanistan …
They’re not happy in Pakistan ..
They’re not happy in Syria ..
They’re not happy in Lebanon …
They’re happy in Australia ..
They’re happy in Canada ..
They’re happy in England ..
They’re happy in France ..
They’re happy in Italy ..
They’re happy in Germany ..
They’re happy in Sweden ..
They’re happy in the USA ..
They’re happy in Norway ..
They’re happy in Holland ..
They’re happy in Denmark ..
Basically, they’re happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is!
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves
AND THEN- They want to change those countries to be like, THE COUNTRY THEY CAME FROM WHERE THEY WERE UNHAPPY
By killing innocent civilians in the streets. In the country that accepted them as refugees.
Paid for by Iran and Russia, same people at every rally
May all such protestors be soon united with Haniyeh
and this legal? Freedom of speech does not include rioting to incite!
Is supporting terrorism part of free speech?
Will Harris actually condemn these Jew hating hamas supporters this time?
This isn’t shocking these Jew hating Hamas supporters have been protesting in support of Hamas since Oct. 7, Harris the other day even praised them.
The democratic party base Harris panders to.
How is it even legal to scream “intafada”? It basically means “progrom”, they are screaming for Jewish blood to be shed c”v.