Trump Blasts Chuck Schumer, Says He ‘Has Become A Proud Member Of Hamas’

    Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Charlotte, N.C., Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Matt Kelley)

    JERUSALEM (VINnews) — US presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump attacked Senator Chuck Schumer in a speech at a recent rally, accusing him of complicity with Hamas due to his refusal to shake hands with Prime Minister Netanyahu during his recent congressional address.

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    “He refused to shake the Prime Minister’s hand. Chuck Schumer has become a Palestinian,” Trump told the crowd.

    “He has become a proud member of Hamas,” Trump added.

    “Nancy Pelosi, likewise, has denounced the speech, in shameful terms,” he added, referring to Pelosi’s diatribe after Netanyahu’s speech.

    Pelosi, who skipped the event despite being president of the Senate, wrote on X that “Benjamin Netanyahu’s presentation in the House Chamber today was by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States.”

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    I was a democrat until I saw the light
    I was a democrat until I saw the light
    6 months ago

    What took so long nyc and Brooklyn Jewry saw that way back. Chuck only shows his Jewish heritage when he’s running for office and then only in frum committees

    6 months ago

    If Shmucky Schumer were alive during WWII he would have been a Kapo. The democratic party of my father & the darling of immigrant Yidden years ago is no longer. It is rife with anti-semites, anarchists, left wing socialists, communists. There agenda is to over throw the legitimate US govt & the constitution. The founding fathers wrote the constitution to protect the democrocy. They were correct then & even more correct today.President Trump said it wisely that he cannot understand why any Jew would vote for a democrat.

    Kamala Praised Hamas Supporting Jew Haters.
    Kamala Praised Hamas Supporting Jew Haters.
    6 months ago

    Very true, Chucky like most of the Democrats have yet to actually condemn the hamas supporting Jew haters calling for genocide of Jews in Israel nationwide. Chucky like most Democrats doesn’t call on hamas to free the hostages and surrender instead they want a ceasefire first, free terrorists, and hamas survive to massacre another day. He is more adamant that Netanyahu resign.

    Yaakov S
    Yaakov S
    6 months ago

    That’s why we love trump. Says what needs to be said it’s not a fake, phony and a fraud. Speaks what’s on his mind and how he feels about an issue.

    6 months ago

    Chuck is Fresing Hamburger & cheese at his daughters HUSBANDS home
    That tells you all about him

    6 months ago

    Trying cynically to ward off challenges from Progressives before his next reelection campaign, Schumer might find that he still isn’t Progressive enough for the far Left and has lost the Jewish vote too.

    Nancy Pelosi was never the President of the Senate she was Speaker of the House and is now Speaker emerita and just a representative from California.

    Nancy is unfortunately suffering from both TDS and NDS and both are incurable.

    At 84 she will soon ride into the sunset.

    6 months ago

    Chuck is Fresing Hamburger & cheese at his daughters WIFES home
    That tells you all about him

    6 months ago

    Chuck Schumer, the hunchback of the senate, failed his test. It’s time for the Abishter to take him and his family out of olam ha zeh

    6 months ago

    Schumer will not be invited by askanim to speak at various breakfasts I’m sure moving forward. How can they invite Bernie sanders 2.0?