JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Israeli athletes on Saturday won three Olympic medals: two silver medals and a gold medal.
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Tom Reuveny, 24, won the gold medal in men’s windsurfing at the Paris Olympics, taking home Israel’s first gold medal this season, and the country’s fourth-ever gold medal in Olympic history.
Earlier on Saturday, Sharon Kantor, 21, won the silver medal in sailing.
Both athletes were scheduled to compete on Friday, but their competitions were postponed due to weather conditions in Paris.
Also on Saturday, Israeli gymnast Artem Dolgopyat won silver in gymnastics, scoring 14.996 while his Filipino competitor scored 15.
Dolgopyat won gold in the floor exercise of the artistic gymnastics event, during the August 2021 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan.
They may have have won some cheap (look up how much the metal in the medals is worth, you may be very surprised at how little the amount is, even the gold) medals, but they lost the much more valuable golden crown of the holy Shabbos, R”L.
Why would a frum website publish an article which celebrate the outright desecration of shabbos????
Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves?
Seriously how low can you go???
Would LOVE a response from the editor although I doubt I’ll get one…
Extremely upsetting to say the least
Why is anyone who is a shomer torah U’Mitzvos supposed to be happy about this? THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE MAKING US HAPPY!
better to learn what HaShem wants from us and not be part of the goyish lifestyle.
Participating in Greek Olympics.
We fought the civil war ovee it more than 2000 years ago and, at least at that time, we won.
Not surprised. I took windsurfing lessons in Eilat on one vacation and many of these guys I was watching were amazing.
“””Kidush hashem”””