NEW YORK (VINnews) — ‘Davening’ Dov Kramer stunned a sports talk radio host, when he revealed that his family does not own a television. WFAN host Marc Malusis asked his producer and engineer whether they noticed a certain player’s reaction during recent Yankee games.
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When he asked longtime engineer Dov Kramer, an Orthodox Jew, if he noticed that specific player reaction, Dov told him that he only listens to games but does not watch them. Malusis pressed him on why cannot listen and also watch on TV, and Dov replied that he does not have a TV .
The stunned host seemed dumbfounded, saying “Wait what?”
He then asked if that was by choice, to which Dov replied yes.
Dov Kramer is an ordained Rabbi who delivers shiurim, has done kiruv, and is a prolific writer of published Divrei Torah.
I have two stories about Dov. Once, when I was young, I won a prize by calling in to WFAN and Dov was the person taking my info. He asks the normal questions, whats your name, address etc. and he must have gotten wind from my answers that I was a frum boy because without missing a beat he asks, “and what shul do you daven in.” lol. You can imagine my shock.
My second Dov story is that in high school my yeshiva math teacher was also once dov’s. when the math teacher wanted to inspire me to be a better math student and he saw how much i liked sports he says to me, do you want to become like dov kramer one day. i said yeah. he said, ok let me show you dov’s grades. he pulls out an ancient notebook with grades from long ago. There was dov kramer with all A’s in math.
I’m very happy to say I have gotten to know Reb Dov over the past 25 years I’ve lived in P…. NJ.. If you didn’t know who he was, you would never believe it when told. He is an emesdika ben Torah who doesn’t live and breath sports. It’s almost like he leaves it in the office, other than having to listen to games ON THE RADIO as Executive Producer of New York Yankees Baseball as well as his job on the Westwood One Network.
By the way he gives a great Chumash shiur!
Yes. I heard him say similar things on Don Imus’s show years ago.
If not for having to listen BECAUSE of his job, need be learning in the Bais Medresh with his chavrusas
What’s the big deal of no tv if one has internet?
Unfortunately, it isn’t as impressive and uncommon for regular people not to have a TV.
Most people use the Internet to watch TV today.
Never owned an actual TV (something with capable of receiving OTA/antenna or cable). Unfortunately the yetzer found a way how to Internet-stream games onto my phone and tablets.
He has zero interest in doing anything more then the basic for work.
How many games can you watch on Prime ( and essentially isn’t that even more than TV nowadays ??
I did without a television for many years when I lived in Saudi Arabia. It was sort of liberating.
I see the please report LASHON HARAH line above. How do I do that???
Is he Bruce from Flushing’s brother?