CANADA (VINnews) — A miraculous event took place last week, not far from Toronto, in which five Orthodox Jews narrowly escaped a horrific accident. The incident began on Thursday around 10 pm, when a 20 year old driver traveling with four passengers, missed his exit, and attempted to make a U-turn on Highway 400 in Georgian Bay Township. Apparently he took the U-turn too fast, and the vehicle flipped over, landing near the middle of highway
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Emergency services responded to multiple 9-1-1 calls, and discovered the miraculous occurrence.
Miraculously, all five passengers immediately managed to exit the vehicle and run across the highway to safety. The driver’s door did not open, but he managed to punch out the window and exited the car along with the passengers.
Within 80 seconds, literally, after the Jewish passengers exited the car, an 18-wheeler (apparently not noticing the flipped over vehicle), drove head on into the vehicle, and literally flattened it into a pancake, according to reports.
According to a source, the responders on scene mentioned to those present that looking at this crash, they would typically be gathering the remains of the people crushed in such a vehicle. However Baruch Hashem, the five people in the car emerged with minor injuries at most.
One of the passengers happened to be on the phone with an acquaintance at a location around 90 minutes away, and the person he was speaking with heard a huge slam and then the phone went blank. That man immediately got into a car and drove to the area.
Upon arriving on the scene, that person was stunned. He saw the flattened vehicle and feared the worst. Within a few moments, he was directed by emergency crews to the ambulances where all five people were being checked out and treated, and he realized that they had managed to escape.
Thank You Hashem! Thank you for reporting positive news!
Or, don’t make illegal u-turns on a highway. Check the signs on Google maps street view for rt 400 in Ontario near vasey Rd.
The 400 is a major Ontario hwy equivelent to US Interestate. No reasonable responsible trained driver attemps to make a U-Turn on an interstate hwy. You proceed to the next exit, turn around and go back.
Baruch Hashem!!!!
I feel bad for all the Zechusim they had to use up to escape for their lives. Bochurim must have mandatory driving training to be authorized to drive by their Yeshivos. Too many lives lost or ruined from the lack of training.
I took the “safe Driving Course.” Approved by the New York State DMV. Important information for all drivers and as a bonus I now save 10% of my car insurance bill for the next three years. I urge everyone to take it.
Wonder how much the tickets from cops will be , expense to clean up , etc – wouldn’t be surprised if the guy loses his license as well.
Did some investigation with Northern friends. The yeshiva did not let most of its bochrim leave the zman a week earlier for Camp Agudah Canada on the chartered bus. Now, these staff had to find their own way to camp. This accident’s location would be in that direction. Does anyone from up there know if these were those boys heading late to camp? If so, going forward should yeshivos allow them to leave a week early and join the chartered bus.