ISRAEL (VINnews) — It appears that the recent proliferation of ‘Para Adumah’ (aka Red Heifer) in Israel, which enables Jewish ritual purification, is evoking Hamas’ worst fears.
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Kassy Akiva, a Daily Wire reporter and an Orthodox Jewish convert, created a video featuring Moriyah Shapira, proudly showcasing red heifers, “which were brought to Israel after a long, tedious search.”
As Kassy writes:
“Twenty miles north of Jerusalem, five Texas Red Angus cows chew on grass, oblivious to the fact that their mere presence in Israel was cited by Hamas as a reason for its massacre of Israeli civilians on October 7. The terror organization’s spokesperson says the cows were a justification for the attack, stating that bringing them to Israel was “an aggression” based on a ‘detestable religious myth’…”
“…The Hebrew Bible states that red heifers are necessary for a purification ceremony to enter the Temple or its portable predecessor, the Tabernacle. Moses performed a ceremony with red heifer ashes that were used for the Tabernacle in the Sinai before the Jews entered Israel after his death.
“Hamas has called the importation of the red cows an act of ‘aggression” because it falsely believes that the presence of the cows may ignite the rebuilding of the Temple, which the group thinks would end Arab control of the Temple Mount, where the Al-Aqsa Mosque is located.’”
Angus cows scare these savages. The Temple Mt belong to the Jewish people and there’s no discussion about their religion of death, burning Infidels, chopping off their heads, raping and enslaving the Jewish and Christian women. . . . . Their days are numbered, Parah Adumah or not. The day you decide to come kill and enslave Jews, your terrorist days are over. We are coming for you.
What ever put the fear of the power of g-d into them is great and I didn’t hear that some of them were not acceptable. But as some one said only need one.
What hypocrisy. Hamas is worried about 5 cows, yet their whole ideology is complete bull.
I’m even more impressed by the three-headed cow pictured.
Three of the five are already posul.