Hasidic Embassy presents: Back To Poland, a feature film by Shloime Zionce for Tisha B’Av 5774/2024.
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In a post October 7th world, Shloime Zionce takes the advice of antisemites and goes Back To Poland to search for the country’s Jews and their history.
I saw it and realized at the end that it was an advertisement for his company that caters to high end vacations for Haredim.
Gut Woch,
I am French from German origin from my father (they came in 1932) and from France for more than 2 centuries on my mother side.
We have 12 millions Arabs on 65 millions and they are supposed to be a political force used by French leftists (which is not proved).
We live safely in Paris but we have to care in certain suburbs and towns.
In the center ,the Pleyel,we never had any problems.
I was surprised by the ‘go back to Poland’from your demonstrations.
I know very well all the places visited by Shloime ,even the 90’.
Just one remark:we cannot be sure of anything and we cannot trust any power.
I am actually in Tennessee for hiking.
We brought and bought everything as my wife did not want to ask for kosher meals to avoid to be noticed.
The only pace in which I spent a Tisha BeAv with respect was India.
Business relations were impressed by a fast made by an European and talked a lot about it.
I cry just by thinking that I could have anti Jew regulations in France.
We fight for Shrita ,we fight for Mila cehalacha.
Let’s have confidence in the Ribono shel Olom
Very nicely done.
I have a question, sorry for My ignorance, Okay? So number one. Why was there a kosher restaurant and a kosher place to sleep? Also they’re they’re is Reported that there is thirty forty thousand jews in poland. So why didn’t you visit them. And why didn’t you include your father and in the Video I thought very interesting through your father’s perspective.Thank you so much
What an AMAZING documentary. Yasher Koach Shlomie. for A visit to a “World That Was” We are from Kielce right near Lodz. I have visited Poland twice to be Kaver Avos. My Father Z’L refused to return speak Polish or even return. He said Poland was a gesholtina land und a gesholtina shprache. I could always feel the presence of Jew hatred. The reason for all the museums & restorations is not because the Poles like us, it is because it is a cash cow to them.
“BACK” to Poland?!!! No way, we Jews go BACK to Eretz Yisroel! If you go BACK to Poland, you ain’t a Jew!