Why Did Rabbi Dov Kook Extend Seuda Shlishis Until 5 AM This Week?


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Rabbi Dov Kook of Tiberias is a respected and revered Mekubal who is also the author of about 200 seforim on all aspects of Torah. A son-in-law of Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein, Rabbi Kook has many disciples, most of who are Baalei Teshuva.

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One of his customs is to sit for a few hours after Shabbos continuing the Seuda Shlishis, saying Torah and singing with his disciples. However this Shabbos, Parshas Eikev, the rabbi inexplicably changed his schedule and continued the Seuda Shlishis deep into the night of Sunday.

At one point, Rabbi Kook who was immersed in the spirit of the occasion turned to his brother-in-law Rabbi Eliezer Roth who was sitting with him and said “Baruch Hashem all of the decrees have been ‘sweetened'”

This occurred during the dramatic preemptive strike by the IDF in which hundreds of Hezbollah launchers were hit by IDF planes, destroying an estimated 7000 missiles which were about to rain down on Israel.

Towards the end of the meal, as red alerts sounded in Israel’s northern region, the rabbi threw candies at his disciples and said that they would be instead of the rockets.

The meal extended until 5 AM at which point Rabbi Kook davened Maariv and then Shacharis at dawn, after which he made Havdalah.

All of those present felt that they had witnessed a heavenly occurrence but Rabbi Kook did not continue to talk about the security situation beyond what he had told his brother-in-law.

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2 months ago

Could Rabbi Yair Hoffman please write an article on how a person who is not sefardic or chassidic and went to the Big Yeshivos, is to supposed to understand and relate to this article .

Thank you

david d
david d
2 months ago

was the rav tipped off about the IDF’s preemptive strike?