(VINnews) — The U.S. State Dept is asking all American citizens not to travel to Uman for Rosh Hashanah, due to safety and visa concerns. The statement released says that “Uman has been the site of multiple Russian missile attacks”, including on houses of worship.
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It also said that for dual citizens, “there is an extremely high risk U.S. citizens will not be allowed to depart, even with a U.S. passport.”
The U.S. Department of State recommends that U.S. citizens do not travel to Uman, Ukraine, for the annual pilgrimage to the grave of Rebbe Nachman during Rosh Hashanah. This recommendation is consistent with our current Travel Advisory recommending against all travel to Ukraine.
Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Uman has been the site of multiple Russian missile attacks. Russian airstrikes have hit civilian buildings and critical infrastructure, including houses of worship, often with little or no warning. Local authorities have advised that Uman does not have enough air raid shelters to accommodate all anticipated travelers to the pilgrimage. Ukraine remains under martial law, with curfew and movement restrictions that would also affect pilgrims to Uman.
As a reminder to U.S.-Ukrainian dual nationals, or those who may have a claim to Ukrainian citizenship, Ukraine has eliminated a “residence abroad” exception that previously allowed certain Ukrainian males aged 18 to 60 to depart the country. After this change, U.S.-Ukrainian dual citizens, including those who live in the United States, may no longer be able to depart the country. We strongly recommend against all travel to Ukraine by U.S. citizens, including males aged 18 to 60 who also have Ukrainian citizenship or a claim to Ukrainian citizenship and who do not wish to stay in Ukraine indefinitely. There is an extremely high risk U.S. citizens will not be allowed to depart, even with a U.S. passport. Travelers who are unsure whether they have a claim to Ukrainian citizenship should consult Ukrainian authorities for further guidance. For more information on traveling with dual nationality, please visit our Travelers with Dual Nationality page.
We remind all U.S. citizens of the State Department’s Level 4: Do Not Travel warning for Ukraine. For further information, see State Department websites for what you should know as a dual citizen traveler, and what we can and cannot do during a crisis.
I was born in southern Ukraine, my ancestors coming from the epicenter of the chasidus movement, and I don’t understand fools who think there is any kedusha in contemporary Ukraine or anywhere else in Europe for that matter. Any kedusha there used to be davka because of the Yiden. Now that the Yiden are gone, so is the kedusha.
For example, Rav Nachman did not reside in Uman but he requested to be buried there, just to be in the same cemetery with the kedoshim murdered by the haidamaks in the middle of the 18th century. Again — why specifically Uman? Because of Yiden there, not the place by itself. This cemetery has been destroyed since, only Rav Nachman’s kever has been rebuilt, and the 18th century haidamak murderers, along with the 17th century chmelnitzki maniac yemach shemo and the 20th century genocidal terrorists are all celebrated as national heroes in today’s Ukraine. FYI, Uman’s city flag and coat of arms proudly displays an image of a murderous haidamak complete with a spear. So, when you go to Uman, not only you go to an empty shell devoid of Yiden, but you manage to provide substantial financial support to enemies that celebrate our people’s suffering.
If you want to get closer to Rav Nachman, study his Torah! In my humble understanding, when he said to come to him on Rosh Hashanah, any reasonable person would understand “to him” as being a live person, that is when he was alive, not a kever of his. If you do insist on his kever, then move the kever to Eretz Yisroel. Enough providing aid and comfort to the enemy, at the same time we get to benefit from the real eretz hakodesh! Only Eretz Yisroel has intrinsic kedusha. Rav Nachman himself went through all kinds of nisyonos just to step arba amos in Eretz Yisroel.
The die hard Breslovers will go, the wishy washy like Breslovers might go, and me, I wouldn’t give a penny to the Ukrainian antisemites.
At least the targeted audience of this announcement is a group of law abiding citizens who strictly follow caution and instructions.
if the state department says something I’m gonna do it. those geniuses are never wrong
I am against Jews traveling to Uman for another reason. The economy of Ukraine benefits financially from the large gathering of Jews every year, to that sacred site. Why should we do anything to enrich their economy, in lieu of the centuries of persecution, including pogroms and genocide which the Ukrainians have been involved with against the Jews?
To shmendrick : As you know I have come of a very CHSSIDISH background , still I never went to Poland for KVURIM , I don t wish getting HATE MAIL ; however to my opinion this issue of TRAVELLING afar for KVURIM is OVERDONE . CHAZAL mention twice the importance of this matter [ KULEV BEN YEFINE – CHEVRION , KEVER RUCHEL ] .But nowadays people combine it with taking a holiday , vacation ,pleasure . HASHEM is SHOMEIA TEFILAS KOL PE ; ANYWHERE . Naturally , I do appreciate all GEDOILIM , still to my opinion all of those journeys are a bit too much : I mean : MIRON , UMAN , KERESTIER is OVERDONE ; although they were the greatest people. those journeys have gone out of proportion.
Oy Vey! Sounds like the Litvaks have conquered the State Department.
Is Kever Rachel an empty shell?
I’m sure you are aware that Mama Rachel was buried in that specific place to help future generations broken by Galus receive some consolation by visiting/praying at her eternal resting place.
Many generations later Rebbe Nachman understood that future generations would need some place outside of EY to receive something similar. If you have ever been to Kivrei tzadikim either inside EY or abroad you should have felt the unique energy of that Tzadik regardless of how many or few yidden currently reside in the area.
It seems like you have left Ukraine many years ago; the current Antisemitism there is the lowest in the entire Europe (check Pew Research). The newer generations have too much hatred for Russians to have any leftover for Jews. Consider the fact that they elected a Jewish comedian to lead them – this is a far cry from Antisemitism.
Finally, try and show some compassion for ALL YIDDEN – I understand that this practice is not for everyone, but the least I can do is respect the decisions of others who are simply doing their best to come close to Hashem.
Cue all the comments by the ignoramuses who know nothing about Breslov but still insist on pretending they’re big experts in kol hatorah kulah in pursuit of blind hisnagdus