JERUSALEM (VINnews) — A dramatic agreement is being developed between the Gur chasidic community in Israel and the Defense Ministry. In the framework of the agreement, 250 young members of the chasidic group will enlist in the police force and in return the rest of the chasidim will receive an exemption from IDF service, according to a Galei Tzahal report.
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Discussions regarding the possible deal have been taking place between senior Defense Ministry officials and Rabbi Avrohom Binyamin Zilberberg, a close associate of the Gerer Rebbe and one of the influential members of the community.
Last week the final meeting took place at a Defense Ministry office in Tel Aviv in which the ministry agreed to exempt the members of the chasidic group from age 18-26, numbering several thousand, and in return 250 members will join the police force.
What is stopping everyone from identifying as Ger?
B’Chadrei Chareidim headline is a denial from Gur.
B’chadrei Chareidim are reporting that this is all a lie.
lol. who thinks this is real?
something sounds not right here….
However , Ger seems to deny it .
If that’s true, it’s very scary for Reb Shol Alters sect Gur police won’t protect them very well……
This is good for thephysically rough police force the Israeli Mishtara, Ger has proven that they are an asset. They’ve performed their ניסיון for the job amicably about two years ago.
This will be the most adel police force. No corruption whatsoever for sure. The laws will be enforced fairly and equally just like gur
מי יימר דדמא דידך סומק טפי דילמא דמא דההוא גברא סומק טפי
Both factions of Gur?
Why not include any other government agency jobs – Provide training and give them a desk job working for the government.
This was found to be INCORRECT. Ger did NOT make such an agreement.
This deal includes all Ger Tzedek. Avrohom Ben Avrohom.
Gur DENIAL as it is a simple danger to ISRAEL for GUR to be more powerful than they already are !!! Imagine Gur Attacking Reb SHAUL ALTER with a full police force !!!!
Yes – they issued a denial but the one that issued the denial is the one in Ger that can least be trusted, So the denial is not worth much anyway.
If the media printed the story about the deal, it is probably very true.
Money talks
Lame agreement . What about the other thousands ? They can join fire and Zaka
So the Zionists will shmad them in their police training instead of in the IDF basic training.