Recalcitrant Husband Grants Get To Wife In Order To Travel To Uman


JERUSALEM(VINnews) — A woman who had been an Agunah for two years finally received her get from her husband after he realized that he would not be allowed to travel to Uman for Rosh Hashana if he didn’t grant the get, according to a Ynet report.

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The recalcitrant husband found out recently that he had an exit delay order issued against him as part of the sanctions authorized by the Beis Din in order to persuade him to grant the divorce. After his request to cancel the order was denied, he decided to give the get to his wife.

The two had wed ten years ago and the woman requested a divorce two years ago, but the husband refused for various reasons. The woman had asked Yad le’Isha to help her in her predicament and attorney Rebbetzin Dina Raitchik, who represented the woman, succeeded in placing sanctions on the husband.

Despite the sanctions including a lien on the bank account, the husband refused to relent until he realized that he would not be able to attend the Uman services on Rosh Hashana. “We realized we had an opportunity which would return to pressure him and we refused to cancel the exit order,” Rebbetzin Raitchik added. “In the end his love for the Tzaddik overcame his ‘love’ for his wife. I am happy the woman ended the year as a free woman. We will continue to fight for the freedom of all of our clients who are trapped in marriages against their will.”



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1 month ago

Reb Nachman Z”L did his job on him

1 month ago

He should stay in Uman

Enough B…..
Enough B…..
1 month ago

This isn’t a drum or religious man but a cult follower When your wife is less important then a social event you are an empty shell

1 month ago

More accurately, a mashpia in breslov convinced him that u cannot get a new lease, on life while being still attached to ur wife , and giving a get would bury the past and a chance to be a ” briah chadasha”

Voice of Reason
Voice of Reason
1 month ago

What we don’t know is the truth – is she really an agunah or not? It has become a common strategy to extract a get by force from the man. There are times in which the men are plainly nasty and abusive, and this is the reason the get is withheld. Other times, the women make demands on the husbands, sometimes extorting monies the men often don’t have, other times withholding the children. Sadly, these latter cases are far from rare. In order to obtain a צו עיכוב, any such notification to the Israeli rabbinate works, and there is no litigation or proof to establish responsibility. It seems that this marriage was essentially over, and the gett and related matters of settlement needed to be done. Often times, the women are the ones being recalcitrant. Do women ever get a צו עיכוב to pressure them to mediate and resolve issues?

28 days ago

I can’t fully understand why this makes a news headline.
If we’re discussing a private issue in a public forum, we are hurting at least one person if not more. Is this a method for one to prepare for Yom Kippur?

30 days ago

I’m happy for the woman that he gave the get. However giving get under Force, or by your arm being twisted or under any form of coercion May in fact not be considered a kosher get. I personally am divorced and when I was getting divorced they only asked these questions in various many various ways to substantiate and to be sure that it’s not forced. This can be deemed as a forced get.for those that say lo lshma bu lshma it does not work that way for a. Get lhalcha.

Yossi Silberstein
Yossi Silberstein
1 month ago

He will be spurned by the tzadik.

1 month ago

Hopefully he could only afford a 1 way ticket to Uman after his גט expenses. Plenty of Ukranian girls would be very happy to have him, and no בת-ישראל A.K.A אשה-חשובה deserves to be his 2nd victim

Let the truth be told
Let the truth be told
30 days ago

The power of a Woman!! Thanks Rebetzin Dina Raitchik. In the merit of women we will bring the salvation with Moshaich! Righteous Women power is electrifying!!

Yehuda Fulda
Yehuda Fulda
30 days ago

Fully support these men!!! They have every right not to and in most cases should NOT give a GET especially knowing that all these type of women will just try and hurt them in court for Child Support or Alimony where a man is never protected. Unfortunately the GET is their only protection. Do NOT think for one minute the women are innocent. They are connivers and thieves only out for themselves.

Every marriage takes two people and what brought these women to desperately need a GET in the first Place likely was avoidable having not played a power game with their husbands as they almost always do and instead should have sought peace and happiness which they do not.

1 month ago

I’ve only met a few of these husbands b”h, so this means nothing about every one of them, but the ones I know they are all weird ones. I think many want to stay ‘married’ so no one starts asking why they aren’t interested in finding a new woman to be with, vehamaivin yovin. The rest are just like a San Francisco bar or a box of granola. Nothing but fruits, nuts and flakes.

1 month ago

Because of the war there are plenty of single women. . Most divorced women regret their foolish quest for a get. Which usually creates new and worse problems for her and the children

עזרת נשים
עזרת נשים
1 month ago

If the men would be home with their wives and provide the Halachically mandated שמחת יום טוב or alternatively if the women could travel to Uman maybe divorce wouldn’t be necessary.

1 month ago

If you have a kid or kids( any of them aged under 18-20). And you and your wife are separated, divorced, or considering divorce you both need to have your head checked. You are killing your kids for selfish reasons like money , honor, and taivah. Sorry you don’t deserve to be called parents, you are evil Reshoim. I see your kids in school and shul and I can tell you, 100 percent you destroyed their lives! Call your spouse NOW and make up!