LAKEWOOD (VINnews) — Some Girls’ schools in Lakewood are warning parents to be careful about which eateries their daughters are patronizing, due to the potential of the atmosphere being inappropriate.
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One high school sent parents a letter, dated November 26, advising that there are food establishments which are inappropriate for that school’s students to visit. It specified one store (blurred out from the image online) on Thursday nights.
The letter said that it’s no less important to investigate that a store is appropriate for Kedushas Bas Yisrael than to investigate its kashrus.
The letter went on to implore parents that their children are “in need of consistent parental guidance” and “our decisions as parents of what to allow and where to hold firm affect others”
It added, “a teenager kept in bounds is a teenager given wings to soar.”
There was at least one other school that sent a similar letter in October, and perhaps others as well.
Yesterday you published a story warning about inappropriate taxi drivers in Lakewood. So the girls took bikes and went for a pizza. Today’s article warns about inappropriate eateries. Sounds to me like Lakewood is becoming an extremely dangerous place.
Looking forward to tomorrow’s “chumra of the day” alert.
This is a total nonstory.
Clickbait designed to promote Lashon Harah. Do better.
LW parents should band together and write a letter to all schools depicting hanhala attitudes and behaviors unbecoming to observers of daas yisroel. The schools are too empowered, which results in extreme overreach of their prerogatives. People should not be living in fear of schools and violating self declared principles as Russians fear Putin and KGB. The schools need to serve the masses, not the other way around. The first step in correcting this mess is to entirely cut out this practice of schools being businesses. All should be non-profits with Rabbonim as the boards and fixed caps on all salaries, which compliance will be transparent on IRS 990 forms. For example, google the Artscroll 990 forms and you’ll see exactly how much each person earns and how much they pay outside vendors like Rusty Brick.
There’s also a new cell phone initiative in a lot of the Bais Yaakov schools, not just in Lakewood. Girls MUST buy a specific phone from a specific vendor using a specific phone service. The service is spotty and drops a lot. There is NO TEXTING, on any of the devices. In 2024, this is a safety issue for a lot of reasons. I understand no picture texts, but I don’t understand no actual texts. It’s beyond frustrating but the edict has been handed down and us little people have no voice. This company makes money and the schools get a percentage.
BH our Mosdos have become aware of the danger these eateries have become. There are at risk boys & girls hanging around these places who are a bad influence on others. Not to mention the child molesters looking to prey on vulnerable teens. There are Frum looking sick people out there who can cause tremendous damage to your child. I know this from first hand experience with my child. Please heed your school’s warning! Ignore the other commenters who won’t be there to help you after the fact R”L.
To our chushava parents,
Please, please do your children the utmost favor and look deeply into a school and their principles before enrolling your precious children. Don’t just enroll because that’s where you got accepted, make sure the schools views and teachings align with yours! For a school to single out a specific business, or small industry is really not ok. Are there not halachos of rechilus/lashon hara that need to be followed, even by the “higher ups”? Why are we not teaching our girls fine middos and ehrlichkeit instead?! When girls go out , they should act in a refined manner and should not talk loudly. They should leave space for others to walk by. They should not linger in an establishment longer than they have to. When they go home in a car service, they should not talk loudly (especially about someone’s “cute” brother/cousin/uncle/waiter), and instead sit like an eidel meidel for the long 15 min trip home. And have that “difficult” conversation with them. 99% of our children will have to interact with the opposite gender at some point in their lives. Teach them the correct way of doing so.
Every owner of any establishment, be jewish or not
And some girls even take car services to get there!!!
I work in a Latino area near a frum neighborhood. I was speaking to a neighbor who worked as a car service driver. He claimed that some frum, chasidish girls would arrange for him to drive them longer rides when they went to relatives for Shabbos. If I believe half of what he told me terrible things happened.
How come the ehrliche lakewood yeshiva boys are allowed to hang out? Why aren’t their Rosh Yeshivas and Rebbes warning them that it’s an inappropriate place for the boys to hang out because Bais Yaakov girls might want to come out and get food also. You think food is only for the boys? Girls also eat.
I can’t help but think that our communities are being affected by the ills of greater society. Public schools are hell bent on taking over parenting responsibilities. That is inherently bad, but excused as warranted given the sad state that many people live their lives. The responsibility of educating ones child begins and ends at HOME. The school is the place in the middle that provides Torah, secular, social, recreation, learning. If a parent has to ‘worry’ about the decisions their teenage child makes, it’s not the school’s responsibility to fix it. Nor will a letter enable an inept parent to properly enlighten their child.
Times are changing and those in powe are losing their power. So they are fighting back in any way possible. As Rabbonim are also in charge of Kashrus the solution is not that difficult. In Yerushalayim eateries that want mehudar Kashrus, as appropriate for a Beis Yakov Bas Yisroel, are forced to close early to avoid becoming hang outs. That can be done in Lakewood as well. The eatery can fulfill orders after the closing time through delivery services, so their business is not being closed down.
This is not gateshead where boys and girls have different times in shops!
These are the same schools that are nearly impossible for parents who care to get their daughter enrolled into. They’ve become somewhat like Russian style Putinesque. They denigrate parents to the level of roaches before a child can get enrolled in their holy school. If only I had money, I’d teach them a thing or two about Derech Eretz and Kavod Habriyos. They’re evil through and through.
It took years for kosher supervision to own this idea even generally with the situation of Glatt Yacht.
Proud to say that here in Passaic the rabbanim of PCK (Passaic-Clifton Kashrus) have mandated strict rules covering the presence of boys and girls together in the local eateries.
If you block them from meeting there they will meet in McDonald’s, which one is better?
Have seen hard drug use, underage drinking, fighting and well as sketchy things in Lakewood fast food joints (pun intended)
it’s best to keep your children away especially at night from the sickos who hang out and work in the stores.
Is it a Jewish owned store or not?