Get Refuser Flees Monroe After Satmar Rebbe Issued 24-Hr Ultimatum To Grant A Get


NEW YORK (VINnews) — In a dramatic development that has shaken the charedi Jewish communities in the United States and abroad, a man who allegedly married a second wife while refusing to grant his first wife a religious divorce (get) has fled the town of Monroe for Monsey, just ahead of being formally expelled from the community, according to a JFeed report.

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The Satmar Rebbe made a second appearance at the community’s main study hall last night to address the situation. This follows his unprecedented 24-hour ultimatum to the man to resolve his marital status according to Jewish law.

In recent weeks, the Rebbe heard that the man had begun to pray regularly in the kollel headed by the Rebbe’s son-in-law, Shimon Zeev Meisels. the Rebbe called his son-in-law in recent days and ordered him to remove the husband from the study hall. The son-in-law tried to soften the Rebbe, who allowed him to try to convince the husband to grant a divorce through persuasion and dialogue.

After several conversations between the head of the kollel and the recalcitrant husband, he agreed to grant a divorce, but ultimately retracted due to stubborn reluctance. This led the Rebbe to stand in the central Beit Midrash in Kiryat Joel and for the first time publicly addressing the painful affair.

“Here in Kiryat Joel lives a man who married his second wife before he divorced his first wife, and his claim is that he has the permission of a hundred rabbis. I have learned that some of the rabbis have already retracted their signature after learning that the entire permit is based on false lies, some have retracted in writing and some orally even before he married his second wife,” the Rebbe said.

He publicly demanded within 24 hours to receive valid documentation of the 100 signatories of the rabbis, or a religious divorce from one of the wives.

The incident took on an international flavor after Rabbi Avraham Katz, who had supported the controversial second marriage, attempted to sneak out of Israel despite a court-ordered travel ban. He was arrested at the airport and is now under house arrest.

The arrest warrant was issued against Katz in Israel due to the rabbi’s role in officiating at the second marriage of the man, who still refuses to grant a divorce to his wife. Due to his participation in the wedding, the Rabbinical Court issued an order to delay his departure from the country. Security guards who noticed his suspicious behavior in Israel called the police who arrested him. In consultation with the Rabbinical Court, it was decided to allow him to be placed under house arrest, which sparked a protest in the Mea Shearim neighborhood in Jerusalem. Rabbi Katz remains in house arrest in Israel.

According to senior Satmar community officials, the man relocated this week to Monsey “at the 99th minute,” just before the community was set to formally expel him in disgrace after the ultimatum expired. During his address, the Satmar Rebbe acknowledged the man’s departure from Monroe, noting that the responsibility for handling the situation now falls to the rabbinical authorities in Monsey.

“We have fulfilled the biblical command to ‘remove evil from your midst,'” the Rebbe stated, attributing this achievement to the merit of his predecessor who established the Monroe community. “I felt a sacred obligation to handle this matter with the full force of religious law.”

AgunahZamir, who represents his first wife, issued a strong statement: “My client has been an agunah (trapped wife) for 10 years. We petitioned the Great Rabbinical Court, which took the unprecedented step of detaining Rabbi Katz. Surprisingly, Rabbi Katz himself petitioned the High Court of Justice against the Rabbinical Court, but his petition was summarily dismissed.”

The attorney emphasized that they would “pursue all available channels to free my client from her status as an agunah” while firmly stating they “will not cooperate with any extortion attempts.”

Before leaving Monroe, the husband reportedly sent a lengthy letter to the Satmar Rebbe explaining his position and claiming that rabbis supporting his case have faced intense pressure and threats. He also mentioned ongoing negotiations for a divorce settlement through designated mediators.

The situation continues to generate intense debate within the Orthodox Jewish community, highlighting the complex intersection of religious law, communal authority, and civil legal systems in matters of marriage and divorce.

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Not involved.
Not involved.
2 months ago

If this was a paid article, you should acknowledge that.

Sad but true
Sad but true
2 months ago

If the matter is being handled by Rabbonim and the courts, then the Yenta public (VIN comments) should mind their own business. And let these suffering people have some privacy.

2 months ago

If a man is denied visitation of his kids and has lost his home and has been paying forced child support from the goyish civil court, he has only one option to fight for his rights. Not give a get and that’s why men don’t give a get so easily.

Been here and there
Been here and there
2 months ago

Sad, that if someone doesn’t want to continue in a bad marriage, and wants to start a new life, the other side feels he/she somehow has a right to keep the other trapped and a prisoner. Live and let live.

2 months ago

what an amazing story! normally, it’s almost impossible to find 2 yids who agree on anything, but this guy actually got 100 rabbanim to agree and even to sign their names to it. will miracles never cease!

2 months ago

These fights get very dirty. Sometimes the man is right and sometimes the woman is right and sometimes both are right or wrong. It’s sad that in the last few years so many divorces happening among young and also older couples. It’s an epidemic. Kids from these homes many many times become off the derech and you can’t blame them. On this case I don’t really know the details. Reading that the father in law became very wealthy he should have tried everything to maintain the peace with his son in law. Look the other way and give him money to be friendly. That’s what I would have done. Don’t break up a family for an ego. It’s not worth it. If his son in law was religious and went to shul don’t mix in. You feel he should be davening in your shul who cares. As long as he is frum give him a kiss and an envelope with cash. Nothing will be accomplished by killing each other. By the husband moving to Monsey with his new wife no one cares. If he gets kicked out of monsey he will move to Brooklyn. There are plenty of guys married to two wives with the heter and no one cares. People are busy with their own problems. In Monsey you could be neturei karta to a Zionist and no one cares. There is no central control. It’s not monroe or crown heights or williamsburg. Same with areas like NYC. He can go daven in the carlbach shul in manhattan with as many wives as King Solomon had and no one would say boo. It’s a very big world and many growing areas are very independent.

2 months ago

1) 3 of the 5 children are already married. The other 2 are beyond the age of being forced to see him.

2) He wants the house that his FIL built and he didn’t want it on his own name because he wanted to get all the government programs.

Sol Leb
Sol Leb
2 months ago

Shame on you to post such a headline!

sam brown
sam brown
2 months ago

he is not a get refuser. shes refusing , or her father is not allowing her, to accept it

2 months ago

such inner hatred, ruins a life, even two lives. sad.,,,

Aiding and abetting
Aiding and abetting
2 months ago

Rabbi Katz שליט”א did not officiate he merely read the kesuba

2 months ago

Has this husband been allowed visitation or has this case been in civil courts where they usually side with the wife. There are lots of details here that one would have to look around the internet sites to put details together. Either way it’s unfortunate because it seems satmar leadership is backing out from originally supporting this husband as their leadership fears being arrested when they visit Israel. The Zionist rabbabut as they classify them has power to lock up anyone as they did to this Tosher rabbi. Yes here in New York they held a protest at israeli consulate past Monday but to no avail. So now there is a shift. Also the father in law happens to be extremely wealthy and so gelt talks.

2 months ago

How much to bet that vin ultimately will remove this post. I don’t believe this is newsworthy nor should anyone take sides.

Honestly this seems like a case where both sides are going all in to hurt the other side. They are both wrong! They are hurting many people including themselves and their kids just so they can hurt the other side.

No one is winning!

2 months ago

Just eat Kishka$$

There are fifty states
There are fifty states
2 months ago

I am sure he got a valid heter 100 rabonim, so good for him but they won’t allow him to live in NY or NJ etc so let him move to another state with his new wife and that’s it why all the commotion

2 months ago

Where is “ Kiryat Joel ” ?

I know a place kiryas yoel

m shain
m shain
2 months ago

it wasnt a heter mea robonim it was a heter mea sheariim, close enough

Just wondering
Just wondering
2 months ago

Can a Chassidishe Rebbe actually kick someone out of a town? Aren’t there housing laws and human rights protections which residents have by Law? Doesn’t the kicked out person have a right to sue the Rebbe and the Mosdos big time? The husband is already dealing with court battles, and is already kicked out of town. What would he have to lose by suing the Rebbe?

Seen this time and time again
Seen this time and time again
2 months ago

I’m glade to see that guess taking this issue to heart. For to long men have carried a vendetta against their wives even after they’ve ended their marriage. Tbere us no reason not yo walk away. With your head held high. In this case he went so far as to supposedly hit one hundred rabbis to sign in so he can get married yet he won’t give his wife her freedom to purp her life

2 months ago

VIN, why are you not publishing his name and picture?

2 months ago

Where is Don Corleone when you need him?

2 months ago

You should publish his name. It’s the opposite of Lashon hara.
And for everyone reading this – the specifics of this case don’t matter. Firstly, because it’s been ten years, and secondly, because he married two wives. Neither of these things are acceptable.

2 months ago

Surprised that we frum Yidden can not accept the attitude of the Toireh in regards to marriage.
1. He is the one that takes her not the other way around. 2. Only he could free her of the marriage and at any time he wants. 3. He can take as many wives as he wants. 4. The language used by the Toireh is, if he doesn’t find Damt Bessila, he should go ahead and have his young new wife killed by B”d. 5. After a Soiteh gets saved from that terrible water, the Toireh assumes that she will go back to her to husband. I wouldn’t go back I would give him a smack across his face.

The Silent Majority
The Silent Majority
2 months ago

This heter meah and its aftermath which is still unfolding, has become an assault on the kedusha of Jewish marriage. It has brought about polygamy. Furthermore, it has normalized get refusal by perverting our halachic way of life. While the husband does have valid claims, he came to view get refusal as an easier path than fighting for child custody in court, as he should have done. Who is the most to blame? Those who gave him the crooked advice in his hour of need. Who is to blame now? Those who support him.