(VINnews) — Rabbi Warren Goldstein, Chief Rabbi of South Africa, slammed the ICC over its warrants against Israeli leaders. In a video posted online, Rabbi Goldstein condemned the ICC as “an illegitimate organ of an illegitimate organization — [the] United Nations, which is dominated by dictatorships who do not have independent judiciaries nor the rule of law. No democracy in the world should accord any legitimacy to it”, said Rabbi Goldstein.
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Rabbi Goldstein called the warrant “a direct national security threat to the ability of free democratic organizations to defend themselves from attacks by dictatorships and autocracies.”
He said that the ICC is illegitimate and that it is “ridiculous and dangerous… that the UN and its affiliates are granted any moral credibility at all, let alone that some democratic states outsource their sovereignty to the UN.”
He called for democratic nations to “withdraw any moral credibility they afford to the UN.”
“The free world must disregard the United Nations as a body that determines global standards of ethics and law. The UN needs to be reconfigured as a global talk shop – but liberal democracies should not grant it an inch of authority over their national sovereignty.”
“…Israel, a free democracy, defended itself against a barbaric act of terrorism and then took the responsibility upon itself to fight a series of terrorist actors and their Iranian backers – all of which threaten the liberal Western world – only to be sanctioned with arrest warrants by the UN,” he added.
“The United States and the free world should sanction the governments, civil society groups, and individuals who conspired to secure these arrest warrants as a signal to others that the abuse of global institutions to weaken democracies and threaten their national security will not be tolerated. It’s time to end the charade,” he said.
He called for a replacement body known as the “United Nations of the Free World”
Very well said (unfortunately) he is so on the point,