JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Rabbi Avraham Deutsch, the Av Beis Din of Maale Adumim, published a sharp criticism of a trendy new song: ‘Hashem always loves me and things will always be good for me’, claiming that the song, which is based on the words and teachings of Rabbi Shalom Arush, demonstrates a lack of faith.
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Rabbi Arush stresses that one who believes and says that Hashem loves him and does good for him will indeed merit good. “Like a child believes his father loves him and then when his father sees him run into the street he’ll hold him tight- it’s clear that this is because he loves him and wants his good. In the same way we need to believe that whatever Hashem does is because he loves us and wants our good,” Rabbi Arush’s students explained.
Rabbi Arush was surprised by the success of the song, which he says he has been singing “for years” and which expresses the faith of the Jewish nation in Hashem.
Rabbi Deutsch (l) and Rabbi Arush with singer Sasson Shaulov
Yet Rabbi Deutsch disagrees. In a booklet published in honor of his son’s Bar Mitzvah, Rabbi Deutsch referred to the refrain of the song “And it will be better and better, better and better” and called it “possible heresy[apikorsut].”
Rabbi Deutsch based himself on the Chafetz Chaim, who wrote that a person can say that something bitter occurred to him but one cannot say it is bad, as “Whatever Hashem does is for the good.” On one occasion the Chafetz Chaim asked somebody how he feels and the man said “a few more kopeks wouldn’t hurt.” The Chafetz Chaim responded that “Of course it would hurt. Hashem is merciful and wishes to give you more than you need and if he didn’t this is the best situation for you.”
Thus whoever says unthinkingly that it will be “better and better” is demonstrating that he doesn’t believe that what Hashem does is the best possible thing, and this is Apikorsus and a basic lack in the faith that whatever Hashem does is for the good.”
Rabbi Deutsch added that he had presented his interpretation to Rabbi Azriel Auerbach who agreed with him and said that the song “should be cancelled.”
Rabbi Deutsch added that “due to lack of understanding and lack of common sense they bring inadvertently words of lack of faith to all the schools and all of the homes…it is obvious to any G-dfearing person that one mustn’t express doubts in faith and which go against our simple faith which we received from generation to generation.
Rabbi Yisrael Groweis, the editor of the Kulmus magazine of Mishpacha, also criticized the popular song, claiming that it contradicts the Chazon Ish’s views on Bitachon, that one may pray that things will always be good but one should truly believe that everything is from Hashem and not that they must be good. However, many readers noted that the Chazon Ish’s view is not in consonance with the rishonim, many of whom define Bitachon as believing that things will indeed be good.
Unbelievable how you guys love making division in klal Yisroel
Why don’t you ask this rav what he thinks about about Jewish news sites on the internet lol
And the mishpacha should ask the chazon ish if he would allow their magazine in his house♂️
More machlokes, more lack of unity, what a poor example set for the Jewish people, the holy army of Hashem the IDF, Israel who are fighting to survive, especially when this song is the opposite, it is an inspiration for Emunah for everyone worldwide.. Reminds me when the Rabbonim got involved with covid. How did that work out? This song is a song of faith in Hashem! A song of chizuk for all groups in Judaism. Luz leiben!
There is more than one mihalech to bitachon. To say one is right and the other is wrong is to choose sides in Abaye and Rava, R Eliezer and R Yehoshua, R Yochanan and Reish Lakish. Gedolei olam from previous generations teach similar inyanim (see alter of nevardik and others who have a different approach to bitachon).
מפני מה אתה מכניס ראשך בין שני הרים גדולים
Oy vey misnagdim. Totally missing the point. He means it will be revealed to you as better and better. It’s a basic underpinning of chassidus that what we perceive as bad is actually a blessing from such a high level that we perceive it that way. But we look to reveal it as good. When you strengthen your Emuna and bitochon you begin to perceive it as better and better. Never even heard the song but the meaning is obvious to anyone not looking for a machloches.
I still dont understand why to say that it will be good, better & better is a bad thing. Its a lot of nuance but it is not saying that now it is bad, it is saying that it will be good.
So apparently having a hashkafic stance that suffers (if it does) with the Chofetz Chaim and the Chazon Ish is apikorsus. Sorry, this is a purely stupid response to this song. This is on par with banning hikes. Take it down a notch and accept that there are different hashkafos out there that aren’t based on the Chofetz Chaim or the Chazon Ish.
Someone needs to start learning chasidus. Someone doesn’t understand the concept of why hashem wants us to Daven in the first place
This is only a mchlokos if we people take it personally and make this a fight. Otherwise its a hashkafa disagreement and take what you may. Everyone here needs thicker skin.
he has since retracted vin should update
Isn’t there concept that a good thing hashem never gets rids of but overturning a negative outcome can be overturned etc
The Tanya writes in Igeres HaKodesh number 11 at the end of the letter,
“And with this Emunah in truth, everything will become good also in the revealed.
The Maharal of Prague writes about Nachum Ish Gam Zu, with Emunah you can transform the worst possible situation into the best possible situation
This clearly supporting what Rabbi Arush is saying
The topic is worthy of discussion , the song was zoche to catch , inspire and give hope …it’s not a tosfos , and as we strive to grow , there are many levels of bitachon , emunah …what is clear is that we ask hashem for tov al pee pshat…not yisurim, not busha…,not aniyus..andits a Hebrew version of the old Yiddish statement .es is shown git Un vet Zeina besser
In the words of the great poet Yechezkel Lebowski: “ well that’s like your opinion man “.
Someone bitter who can’t handle people being happy has got to ruin it:)
Let’s assume our ancestors lived on a higher level of Emunah & Bitochon than we do. (This how our Chachomim have described the earlier Doros)
Let’s think about Jewish history, Jews were banished from every country, faced blood libels, ghettoes, thousands of vagabonds trekked from town to town begging for alms & sleeping in the Hekdesh, were excluded from many professions, etc.
The average person lived on a few crusts of bread in a small wooden hut. This was galus life for most Jews in Europe over the last thousand years in the Pale of the settlement, just much worse. (As described in sefer Zichron Yaakov)
They told each other that everything Hashem does is for the best & this kept their spirits up despite the hardship. They certainly davened for the geulah & hoped for better times to come but they accepted the golus as it is. (Then came the Shabsai Tzvi debacle which created false hope ending in a deep depression until Chassidus arrived)
They didn’t walk around singing songs that things will get better & better now in Golus!.
As long as we are in Golus, Chazal tell us that each day’s curse is worse than the last day.
Let’s trust in Hashem that the hardships we face are all for our good! Let’s daven for the Geulah Shleima when our tzaros will be forgotten & THEN life will be better & better!
It resonates like how the Goyim look to their way of religion. No mitzvahs involved just love?
Yidden. enough! Really! Is a surgery good?? Feels terrible, yes. But it MAY be the saving interference. We can know that something is painful and difficult at the same time KNOW that if Hashem is doing it it will be for a good purpose – maybe one we will never know. What is so hard about this??? No kefirah, and pure emes.
Does this Rabbi Arush still identify with Berland?
Rabbi Deutch might have a little too much time on his hands
thank you for your chumra of the day
I thought being a rabbi is a full time job..
Apparently not…
This ppl really have nothing else to do
Let them go maybe fight for klal yesroel in gaza front lines… Na, seems like they more useful kvetching about songs, crazy world we live in
where are the rest of the comments? to allow to be seen only the voted ones isnt fair. someone can write something very clear and nobody votes it
If the hostages sing the song all their problems will disappear. I don’t really have a problem with the song, but it’s nonsense. We are living in exceedingly dangerous times and meaningless cliches don’t accomplish anything.
One-upmanship Yiddishkeit at its best. My punchball team is better than yours…
ok so change the wording why make a big machlokos out of it
it definitely wont bring mosiach any closer
I think Rav ARush said in an interview that we are now seeing greater miracles than what the Yidden saw at Yetzias Mitzrayim. THAT, might qualify as kefirah.