Antisemite With Large X Following Claims Chanukah Recent Invention, Gets Crushed by Community Notes

Doug Emhoff, husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, speaks next to Rabbi Levi Shemtov, during the National Chanukah Menorah lighting, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023, on the ellipse of the White House complex in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

(VINnews) — An antisemitic conspiracy theorist has been slammed on X and corrected by Community notes, after posting a heinous video, falsely claiming that Chanukah was invented in the 20th century, to mollify Jewish children who do not celebrate Christian Holiyda.

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In response to the vicious hate-message from Stew Peters, Community notes wrote:

Hanukkah has been celebrated since 164 bce.…

We have evidence of celebration in 1st century:

2nd century: Mishnah… “

Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Managing Director of the Coalition for Jewish Values, wrote: “Welcome to X, where a racist imbecile can have 750,000 followers. That means 750,000 citizens of the world become a little bit less intelligent and more infected with mindless hate every time he posts.”

Rabbi Menken posted a photo of a Menorah from the 14th century.

It is well-documented that there is EXTENSIVE Talmudic and Halachic literature describing the Chanukah laws and celebrations, that date back thousands of years. They are in the Talmud, as well as Rishonim, Acharonim, and Halacha. Anyone with even a modicum of knowledge of Judaism and history knows that the Holiday of Chanukah is a staple of the Jewish religion since the times of the Temple.

According to the ADL website: Stew Peters is a far-right conspiracy theorist, radio show host, Christian nationalist and prolific antisemite. Peters regularly promotes antisemitic, white supremacist and anti-LGBTQ+ beliefs. He has also shared Holocaust denial propaganda. In addition, Peters has frequently platformed white supremacists and antisemites on his show.

Peters is a filmmaker who recently released a movie, Occupied, which claims to expose “Jewish supremacy” in the Western world. The film is marketed with an image of the White House under an Israeli flag, shrouded by apparent images of Jewish men with curls.

According to Rolling Stone, was arrested for a DWI in his Minnesota hometown earlier this month after he allegedly upended an ATV while driving drunk.

Ironically, it is widely known by historians that Christmas is a made-up Holiday, which was based on an ancient pagan celebration.

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Shimon Nechemiah
Shimon Nechemiah
24 days ago

Of course!
And it’s also well known that Pesach got its start in the 1870s as a response to the Easter Parade!

24 days ago

With all due respect it probably would have been better to point out that Maccabees is part of the Christian bible.

Just wondering
Just wondering
24 days ago

To that ignorant goy, the only thing he ever heard about chanuka is giving “chanuka toys” . he is consistent within his ignorance.

Kop Doktar
Kop Doktar
24 days ago

The Old Testament was only written 200 years ago by an English author named Moshe Rabbeinberg after the Jews people complained that they wanted a Bible just like the Christians. It was then translated into Hebrew to make it look ancient.

24 days ago

Every religion has its imbeciles who make stuff up for self esteem. Like the people who say that German is derived from Yiddish.

Been here and there
Been here and there
24 days ago

How shocking that Stew Peters, who worked closely with the Jewish Dr. Jane Ruby during the covid crisis and all the threats we were under from the globalists , the mandates for forced vaxes, etc, he was so much on the side of right, meaning he was relentless in being on the good side, against the horrible threats and danger we were under. What happened to him?? Seems he had a falling out with Dr. Ruby, (a proud Jewish woman), and now he ‘lost’ his way. Frightening.

24 days ago

Hot take: Jews only adopted yarmulkes because the little red hat the pope wears is so brat.

24 days ago

Hasn’t he watched YU Macabee basketball?

Famed Member
23 days ago

Too bad he went off, apparently thinks that all Jews are like Albert Boula, George Soros and Larry Fink (who continue to push BigPharma and radical liberalism). The video excerpts from this article don’t totally debate Chanukah’s history, but it does attempt to portray Jewish sovereignty and allegiance to the Torah as unfair to the Greeks, who forcefully placed an idol in the Beis Hamikdash. Quite idiotic, short-sighted, and quite racist of these fools.

Robert Goldman
Robert Goldman
23 days ago

What a moron.. he makes the brain dead look like PhDs.
He should continue to flip his ATVs on a daily basis until he gets it right..

24 days ago

Chanukah is definitely at least 2000 years old. The question is only, how can we trust the Chashmonoem who acted as the Kohanim, that the story of the oil lasting 8 days actually happened. They were nationalistic, but not Shomrei Torah Umitzvohs.

24 days ago

If he wrote this on self-denying Jew Musk’s “X” maybe he’s right. After all Musk gave millions to MAGA and openly supports nazi AfD Party now.