ADL ‘Deeply Concerned’ Over Changes to Meta’s Censorship and Fact-Check Policies


NEW YORK (VINnews) — The ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) has issued a press release, warning about the danger posed to Jews by the newly announced policies outlined by Mark Zuckerberg to the Meta platform. The group said that it is “mind blowing” that Meta “is taking significant steps back in terms of addressing antisemitism”, and said “all of society will suffer”.

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The full release states:

The ADL expressed deep concern today about Meta’s policy announcement in terms of their commitment to addressing antisemitism and hate.

Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO and National Director, issued the following statement:

“It is mind blowing how one of the most profitable companies in the world, operating with such sophisticated technology, is taking significant steps back in terms of addressing antisemitism, hate, misinformation and protecting vulnerable & marginalized groups online. The only winner here is Meta’s bottom line and as a result, all of society will suffer.”

The ADL Center for Technology and Society further commented on the changes:

Meta indicates that outside of some specific forms of harm (terrorism, child exploitation, drugs, fraud and scams) it will not do proactive enforcement of their policies and will rely on user reporting. Our recent report card shows however that Meta platforms (Facebook and Instagram) responded to exactly zero cases of antisemitic content when reported as average users.

Meta must significantly reform their average user reporting process unless they intend to completely abdicate their responsibility to address antisemitism and hate at a time when it is surging online and offline.

Moreover, it is dangerous that Meta will be “getting rid of a number of restrictions on topics like immigration, gender identity and gender”….It is one thing to discuss policy, but Meta should focus their attention on prioritizing the protection of marginalized users, not opening the floodgates for attacks based on identity.

Finally, it’s unclear the factual basis for Meta’s change toward “community notes” vs fact checking to address misinformation. Our recent study on hateful misinformation and elections on social media shows the dangers of tech companies rolling back approaches to misinformation.

If all of this is the direction Meta is heading in 2025, it is a bad sign of what is to come for Jews and all marginalized people on their platforms.


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Noble Member
1 month ago

The adl stopped being worthy of any consideration when it became a leftwing propaganda piece

daas torah
daas torah
1 month ago

the adl is the swamp

1 month ago

The ADL simply wants to maintain the left wing censorship regime. That’s what this is all about.

1 month ago

They are deeply concerned that Facebook will no longer shadowban politically conservative, frum and pro-Israel content anymore.

1 month ago

As Jewish victim of Antisemitism, I still champion Free-Speech rights even if it must include Hate-Speech. Once you start getting the “Ministry-of-Truth” sensors involved, ein l’davar sof!

Dr. Alex Morales
Dr. Alex Morales
1 month ago

“immigration, gender identity and gender” I for one see nothing wrong with discussing ANY of these topics, and the Torah agrees with me as does the law of the land – THE CONSTITUTION cv’y.

Jimmy has gone on to receive his eternal "reward".
Jimmy has gone on to receive his eternal "reward".
1 month ago

ADL shilling for the democrats. There are only 2 genders and transing kids is monstrously evil on par with mengele.

Trusted Member
1 month ago

If the ADL says something is bad for the Jews, it is safe to assume it is actually good for the Jews!

Jimmy has gone on to receive his eternal "reward".
Jimmy has gone on to receive his eternal "reward".
1 month ago

Of course they are, they hate free speech and hate that their side will now actually be fact checked.

1 month ago

Wjy be concerned? Just more conspiracy theories against Jews. MAGA thrives on this.