WATCH: Singer Mendel Roth, Son of Chassidic Rebbe, Posts Video About His IDF Experience


ISRAEL (VINnews) — Mendel Roth, the Chasidic musician and singer, and son of the Rebbe of Shomrei Emunim, posted a video on social media describing his first hours as a new recruit in the just-launched Charedi “Hashmonaim” brigade.

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“I am a Jewish soldier of the Jewish army in the Holy Land,” Roth said enthusiastically in Hebrew, while in his room at the IDF brigade’s base.

“I want to say that I am very excited,” he added.

“This is a serious business, from the few hours I have been here, it is a historic feeling, we are making history, doing something great, we are going to fight for the people of Israel, to unite the people of Israel.”

In conclusion, he said, “There are sweet guys here, souls sweet as honey, with fear of G-d, pure souls, how wonderful it is that I took this step. “Am Yisrael Hai.”

Prior to his enlistment, Roth released a new song with a message for his fellow charedi brothers, emphasizing the importance of uniting forces, protecting Israel, and enlisting in the army.

Roth grew up in Meah Shearim. He has been creating music for a decade, and his videos have collectively garnered millions of views.

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Accuracy Matters
Accuracy Matters
1 month ago

May he go and return Shalem b’Nefesh u’beGuf.

1 month ago

May the Ribono shel Olam protect him and bentch him. what a difficult decision – to join those who will risk their lives to protect the klal from our bloodthirsty enemies – although our rabbonim are advising to ignore them. It’s not stam! We can’t ignore the history of religious Jews going to the front to fight for our Torah!

1 month ago

good for him, and others like him.

1 month ago

בִּפְרֹעַ פְּרָעוֹת בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל בְּהִתְנַדֵּב עָם בָּרֲכוּ יְ-הוָה.

1 month ago

totally stupid! just because he’s a son of a rebbe and grew up in meah shearim doesn’t kasher it up. if anything it just makes things worse. because everyone looks at him and sees this ultra orthodox guy completely ok and frum while being in the army. this is the exactly what he is and this crazy left wing news site (VIN) is trying to promote. the exact opposite of what all regular gedoley yisroel believe and hold in. ridiculous!!!

Sol Leb
Sol Leb
1 month ago

Attention seeking on the highest level!

1 month ago


Rivka Rochel Baumgarten
Rivka Rochel Baumgarten
1 month ago

Giyus Kal!

1 month ago

terrible to set an example like that so others should join we have to daven and cry to hashem for the future of the olam hatorah

1 month ago


1 month ago

why is a son of an admor using a smartphone?
(not even asking why he’s in the israeli army…)