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A firefighter battles the Eaton Fire Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025 in Altadena, Calif. (AP Photo/Ethan Swope)

Winds subside as firefighters battle devastating blazes in Los Angeles area

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1 month ago

The fiery devastation is reminiscent of what Sodom must have looked like after Hashem destroyed it. Hmmmm…

1 month ago

beli shim tzar v’nezek layehudim

1 month ago

We should have rachamim on the victims. Hope this ends soon.

1 month ago

We do not understand the ways of Hashem. To think or especially to write and speak about our own theories as to why Hashem caused this to happen is , forgive me, foolish.

1 month ago

Many Jews lived in the burned out areas, and there were a number of thriving Chabad Shuls. Many Persian Jewish refugees from Iran lived there. Horrible tragedy.

Fed Up
Fed Up
1 month ago

So according to some commentators on this site, when natural disasters happen in Blue states, it is G-d’s wrath. Yet when natural disasters happened in Red states last summer and fall, it was Democrats controlling the weather to interfere with elections. Gotcha!

1 month ago

Regarding the fire hydrants going dry, the New York City Fire Department has a backup contingency plan, in case such a situation occurs near the East River, Hudson River, and Harlem River. The NYFD fire boats can draw water from those areas, and spray water into fires, which are in close proximity.

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
1 month ago

The liberal mindset to me is mindboggling. They have been warning for years already how its not just climate change but a climate crisis. The science has said that we should expect more wildfires and hurricanes. Now kind of the epicenter of wildfires is CA which is known to have dry almost deserts like climates. Why wouldn’t they better prepare for something like this? Isn’t this what they themselves warned about? Is all that talk just to scare people but no action? They did a simliar thing during covid. We had a quieter summer but the science said once the winter comes another strand will arrive. Then winter came and we still had no plan how to deal with it. Whats the point of these warnings if not to prepare for disasters? (I am not saying that republican’s would do better. But they aren’t the ones predicting these things)

You do teshuva first
You do teshuva first
1 month ago

Even Sdom itself would NOT have been destroyed if they had 10 tzaddikim. From what is posted here, there were many more than 10 innocent victims. Those misguided kanoyim who glee at this tragedy as if it’s another Sdom, are wrong on so many levels.

Los Angeles
Los Angeles
1 month ago

Not only is the destruction reminiscent a Sodom , the lifestyle is also .

1 month ago

With the goes the woke agenda..

1 month ago

So, look at the areas affected and who lives there:
All the rich, woke, anti-Israel celebrities.
130,000 people displaced from their homes? Now they know how it feels.

Yaakov S
Yaakov S
1 month ago

Looks like the strong winds, looks like the droughts, the global warming, blah blah blah. Try to explain it away. I see it as Hashem’s limit of ארך אפים ran out, and is doing a good, long awaited for, ביעור חמץ. Sympathies to the minority of the good folks caught up in this mess. Maybe it’s time to leave that evil, immoral, atheistic and anti G-D hellhole.

Gedolim Asifa
Gedolim Asifa
1 month ago

Insurance premiums go up for eveyone -not only the alleged reshayim who lost their homes. In this regard at least, even self riteous “Heshy” was hit by this calamity. Nu Heshy, according to what you said too many times it’s an onesh for chillul Shabbos. Are you saying vidui for *your* chilul Shabbos ???

1 month ago

Fires come from chillul shabbos

1 month ago

Good news
The only temple that burnt down was conservative heretical one. Another enemy of Hashem bites the dust.

1 month ago

Here in monsey we organized a minyan to pray that Hollywood and its lefty atheistic movie stars get the wrath of Heaven and get destroyed like Sodom as they are the biggest promoters of gays and trans in the world. Let’s all answer Amein

1 month ago

Pasadena Shul, 400+ families, totally destroyed. Musk elated.

1 month ago

We as Jews must celebrate as our enemies who have been trying to destroy the western world with immorality of the worst kind. Finally Heaven is sending down destruction on Sodom california.

Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg
1 month ago

This is all Trump’s fault.

1 month ago

Its amazing that the MAGA sons of pharoah are celebrating this catastrope. No doubt HaShem is watching closely to see who gloats over this horrid event – and HE may take HIS eternal revenge on those who are happy as to the suffering of so many others.