BNEI BRAK (VINnews) — On Thursday, a frightening incident took place in the heart of Bnei Brak, as IDF Major General David Zini was accosted by dozens of members of “Peleg Yerushalmi”.
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Major General Zini, along with his advisor, were reportedly visiting Bnei Brak to meet with local figures. He was eating cholent at the Goldis restaurant, when a member of Peleg Yerushalmi recognized him and encouraged his peers to join in assaulting him.
As can be seen on video, the protesters tried to storm the restaurant. Police were called to intervene and rescue the general.
הערב האלוף זיני אכל טשולנט עם יועצו מולי בוימל במסעדת גולדיס בבני ברק, לפתע הופיעו בערך 100 מפגינים שקראו לעברו קריאות גנאי, המשטרה חילצה את האלוף ואת יועצו בוימל.
אפשר להשתמש בתיעוד ובתמונה בה הוא ממתין לחילוץ בתוך המסעדה, לא צריך לבקש אישור ולא צריך קרדיט
— יענקי פרבר | Yanki Farber (@yankihebrew) January 9, 2025
Whatever word is used to describe the encounter, it was certainly a chillul Hashem.
That’s NOT the way of Torah it’s a חילול ה׳ and it feeds hate against Frum jews
Something is wrong!
We all know and appreciate the importance of Limud Torah and Gedolei Yisroel always worked to be certain that the Lomdim would get a deferment. Now we have a new generation where liedegers are also worthy of deferment just because they wear a certain hat.
מאי חזית דדמא דידיה סומק טפי
Baruch Hashem, I have children and grandchildren who are עובדי השם and serve in the army.
May Hashem protect them and all of Am Yisroel
Frumkeit without menshlichkeit is not Yiddishkeit.
I don’t think the shouting was respectful, but please don’t sensationalize it by calling it an assault. This kind of disinformation only breeds further hostility.
They weren’t assaulting, they were just trying to get an exemption from the army for being crazy..
Draft them all.
Assault usually connotes a physical attack it seems to me, which I didn’t see here. I think you should either remove that provocative word from the headline here, or qualify it by adding the word verbal, as in verbal or verbally assault.
Didn’t see any cholent or assault.
I guess u posted the wrong video.
I believe they were concerned that he would eat up too much of their chulent.
Why does the headline refer to them as “Angry Charedim”? Why not be more specific – “Angry Peleg Members” or something like that. Imagine the insidiousness of a headline reading, “Angry Modern Orthodox Jews”, or “Angry Hasidim”. Imagine a MS Media headline reading, “Angry Jews”…and the outrage it would cause amongst Jewish publications. Don’t besmirch every Charedi by lumping them together with these people. There’s no need to inflame hatred against everyone who identifies as Charedi. Please revise the headline (If you feel you must print it at all).
What a chillul Hashem! All of those “charedim” should immediately be inducted into the military and sent to the front lines to rectify their absolute IDIOCY.
Like him or not, the general is a YID, and his blood and his soldiers’ blood is protecting these “charedims'” petulant (and petty) lives.
Peleg is the opposite of what the Torah teaches.
Judge your friend Kaf Zechus.
and love your friend like your self.
They are really violent. That is not Torah.
Yes one day somene will try to physically assault an armed soldier or one day a soldier will be stressed a bit to far and a few protesters will be dead.. Not saying it is correct but I will understand the fellow and l will support his defense in court
They want to be exempt from the army for learning but they are always on the streets protesting not learning it defeats there whole argument
Kudos to VIN for upgrading the headline to better reflect what was seen in the post.
Its a big chillul Hashem
What about bittul teira?
Please explain the story properly. This is the general of the new ״chareidy” chashmonaim brigade. All the main stream rabbonim have come out against it in addition to the new draft laws. Hence they went fundraising for over 100 million dollars. While it’s improper to shout at someone in the street, one must still understand that these yidden taped in the video have dealt with draft laws and financial cuts due to the new laws.
What seems to be your issue? These army personnel are provocateurs, coming in to a area they’re not welcome ,only coming to make trouble.
What is this now a zionistic website,
Can’t understand their point ?
Bnei Brak is dangerous.Gaza is safer.