PA Official: Israel To Release 3000 Prisoners For 33 Hostages Including Soldiers


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The head of the Palestinian Authority’s Prisoners Affairs Committee, Qadoura Fares, claimed that as part of the emerging hostage deal, more than 3,000 Palestinian prisoners will be released in the first phase. Fares told the Palestinian Maan news agency that in the first stage of the deal, 25 hostages will be released in exchange for 48 terrorists who were released in the Shalit deal and have since been rearrested, about 200 terrorists sentenced to life imprisonment, and approximately 1,000 additional prisoners, including all children, women, and sick detainees held in Israeli prisons, as reported by the Walla website.

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Fares also claimed that in the first stage of the deal, more than 3,000 Palestinian prisoners will eventually be released, after Israel insisted on including more Israeli hostages in the list, including wounded soldiers. For these hostages who do not meet the “humanitarian” criteria, it is likely that more prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment will be freed.

On Saturday, a senior political official told Ynet ahead of the senior Israeli delegation’s departure to Qatar that the discussions are about the release of 33 hostages, and that the list no longer includes Hisham al-Zayadna, whose body and that of his son Hamza were retrieved from a tunnel in Gaza.

Fares noted that all the terrorists to be released, except for those sentenced to life imprisonment, are expected to return to their homes – whether within Israel, Gaza, or the West Bank. The more dangerous terrorists are likely to be deported to Qatar, Egypt, or Turkey.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s office announced Saturday evening that he had decided to send a high-level delegation to Qatar to join efforts to seal the hostage-ceasefire deal with the Hamas terror group.

The team departing Saturday night includes Mossad chief David Barnea, Shin Bet director Ron Bar, IDF hostage point man Maj. Gen. (res.) Nitzan Alon, and Netanyahu’s political adviser Ophir Falk. Trump envoy Steve Witkoff, who met with Netanyahu and updated him on the negotiations, is expected to return to Qatar with the Israeli delegation.

Officials in Washington expressed cautious optimism on Friday about the prospects of closing a hostage-ceasefire deal before the end of US President Joe Biden’s term.

CIA Director William Burns assessed the ongoing negotiations in Doha as “quite serious,” while White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said he believed a hostage deal was possible before January 20.

Sharon Sharabi, brother of the kidnapped Yossi Sharabi, of blessed memory, and Eli Sharabi, said this morning in an interview with Ynet that “The turmoil and storms we have been experiencing for 15 months cannot be explained in words. What is happening in Doha right now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to return both living and deceased hostages. It is time to make bold decisions and bring back as many hostages as possible. If we wait any longer, there will be no one left to bring back.”



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1 month ago

…add here Bibi goes again releasing he next Sinwar r”l. I’d rather execute 10 Hamas jailed terrorists who have blood on their hand for every day hostages are not released…until there are none. Why is the was the Israeli death penalty limited to Eichmann ym”sh??

Ben Gvir for prime minister
Ben Gvir for prime minister
1 month ago

A rate of 100 terrorists, who will murder or attempt to murder in the future, for 1 hostage?! At a time right before Biden’s islamonazi-terrorism-supporting administration is about to expire and the relatively pro-Israel administration, as American presidential administrations go, is about to come in?! Why save Hamas now, when Hamas and its Iranian puppet-master are down after suffering major strategic losses?!
If this exchange plan is true, it means that Bibi is a leftist who fools right-wing voters with his tough speeches, but in practice keeps on implementing the leftist agenda. If so, Bibi should be expelled by Likud. If Likud refuses, its voters should find another party to vote for. Ben Gvir’s party is a good option.

1 month ago

Insane if true

Es Shmeked Nisht Git
Es Shmeked Nisht Git
1 month ago

Yup, that’s why these wars will never end. It’s unbelievably that this news is coming out.
just a week before Trump is coming in WH.
Anyone know wth is going on and why they are pushing this terrible, tragic deal? Makes no sense. Look what one sinwar did. Can’t imagine 3000 of these animals being released??!!! Omg, what are these israeli leaders smoking, my goodness!

Stu Dubner
Stu Dubner
1 month ago

Release those terrorists in body bags!

1 month ago

Let’s do the math: 3000 Muslim Terrorists = 33 Israelis, yeah makes about sense.

Yaakov S
Yaakov S
1 month ago

Why though? That’s insane!! 500 is not enough?? 3000 ?????????????? Can’t you at least wait it out until Trump is in office and shakes these wild beasts to their core and see what happens then??? Insanity!!

Sad but true
Sad but true
1 month ago

This disasterous outcome to Israel “winning” the war against cHamas can make it feel pointless to voluntarily enlist in IDF as an American. Israeli govt’s poor handling of their “victory” makes me feel more sympathetic to cHaredim who refuse to enlist. What’s the point if the govt wont let us win anyway. Yes, logic says an army is a necessity. But emotionally, these governmental failures are terrible for morale.

1 month ago


Let America pay it
Let America pay it
1 month ago

Why should Israel have to pay for America? Some of the hostages (and more sadly some of the bodies) are American. If America is so fond of this disaster of a “deal”, would America make their own “deal” releasing murderers from American prisons instead? Both “deals” are disasters.

1 month ago

Hamas will never hand over every last hostage (if they even know where all are). How many soldiers must die, how many terrorists must be handed over? Wasn’t goal number 1A to destroy Hamas. This has dragged on too long. The entire of Gaza must be bulldozed flat to root out the snakes. Then any vetted “Palestinian” AND Israeli may return to the area formerly known as Gaza and participate in the rebuilding. Good paying construction jobs go a long way to fixing fake refugee status. And people will be too busy building, literally, a better life for themselves and have less time thinking about killing Jews.

Bob's Your Uncle
Bob's Your Uncle
1 month ago

Oy, If it is true, it makes Israel look so weak. Yes, it also shows that they value Israeli lives but it is such a lopsided deal. Not really a deal more of a capitulation

Hmmm just asking
Hmmm just asking
1 month ago

Terrible deal unless it’s ending them back dead ones

1 month ago

The right thing to do would be to insist all 3000 will be executed if our people are not released within a week. But yeah instead we will give back murderers and have way more killed in the future on our end

It’s not my family but
It’s not my family but
1 month ago

The hostage deals seem crazy

1 month ago

So we are going to free 3000 terrorists foor 30 hostages – and in 3 years we will sacrifice 1000 + of our soldiers to capture them again and free another 3000 terrorist prisoners to free the next round of kidnapped Israelis, c’v – Round and round we go!

just me
just me
1 month ago

Whatever it takes to get the hostages back, do. Most people fail to realize that if they have your loved one, they won the round. Get your loved one back, and then do what you want.

1 month ago

They simply don’t learn. Its endemic to that club.

Daas torah
Daas torah
1 month ago

Wow sell outs basically asking them to do it again

1 month ago

If this is true then I can no longer support Israel (under the current leadership). No more tehilim, giving money, etc. CLearly the leadership is being led by a group of hostage families. This is NOT leadership. Over a year of fighting and several thousand Jews dead for what??? for more murderers to be released to kill more Jews. Game over!!!!

1 month ago

Terrible! Terrorists with blood on their hands should be executed!
That will stop many terrorists.
but NO, our ultra liberal leftist israeli subprime court system feels for them.

Yaakov S
Yaakov S
1 month ago

Inject all these these rats that you’re releasing with some deadly potion that makes them meeting Allah and 70 virgins in 6 months.

Speak softly
Speak softly
1 month ago

Sinwar was only successful because our “conceptzia” and intelligence was flawed – by political considerations and personal animosity. The ultimate answer lies in an open assessment which we should demand and will probably never get. Let’s get our hostages home, and then pass laws allowing terrorists to be killed after trial. We don’t need full jails to entice future kidnappings. What we need is a reconciliation of our own society.

1 month ago

Comes to prove again that Baderech HaTeva under normal circumstances there will never be peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The Palestinians care less how many of their own are being killed. All they care is to kill as many Jews as possible and to make Israelis tired of wars. In all the years as many wars Israel had and even won in the end they bowed and had to give in returning territories. A Torah forbidden state before the coming of Moshicah can’t be successful!

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
1 month ago

This is a rough deal to swallow but it may be the best we can get. Israeli prisons can’t possibly hold so many prisoners long term. I know this is risky. As long as it’s Bibi giving the ok I trust that he ain’t doing anything outlandish that’s just kowtowing to Biden. If it was via pressure from the USA and threats then no I would be mad. But this is probably the last opportunity to get anyone out alive and I doubt there is more then 50 alive Nebach .