Gestetner Slams Cease-Fire Deal: ‘Major Foreign Policy Flop’ for Trump


(VINnews) — Yossi Gestetner slammed the Hamas cease-fire deal, arguing that President Trump, and by extension Israel, are not getting nearly the deal that was demanded. In several ranting posts on X, the Chassidic political commentator observed that the deal Hamas is reportedly agreeing to is a far cry from Trump’s ultimatum that they return all the hostages. He called it a “major foreign policy flop.”

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Gestetner wrote: “Hamas is calling Trump’s bluff.He gave them an ultimatum to release all hostages by January 20th and they are 1) maybe releasing 2) some hostages 3) not immediately if 4) Israel makes major concessions.”

He added, “Trump is walking into the Wh with a MAJOR foreign policy flop on his face!”

He also wrote:

Commander Trump demanded that the bank robbers surrender or else there will be hell to pay by 12:00 PM. They laugh to his face so Trump assures the robbers safe passage on whatever timeline they like. Sends along with them cash and most of the hostages too.

Art of the Deal.

The “hell to pay” ultimatum on Hamas to release all hostages by Jan 20, turned into Trump forcing Israel to surrender in order to get some hostages.

“Trump pushed himself into a corner”?

Ok. So walk out empty handed. Let J20 come & go with nothing. Why give Hamas your wallet?

AGAIN: How does the flop of Hamas laughing to Trump’s “hell break loose” threat, translate into a “need” to give Hamas stuff by the date of this failed ultimatum?

I am not talking now about the details of the “deal.” I am simply asking how this deal helps Trump save face.

It’s one thing to not take on the bully whom you threatened to take on.

You are, however, not saving face by handing him your lunch as you leave the lunch room.

You are deepening your loss.

“Hey bully. You better stop harassing these kids or I will make sure that they give you their lunch money.”

Trump to Hamas Re Israel.

Trump “hell will break loose” ultimatum is turning into Israel releasing more live terrorists than Hamas releasing (dead) Israelis.

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1 month ago

As very strong Trump supporter , this so called DEAL is very troubling

In G-d we trust, not in politicians
In G-d we trust, not in politicians
1 month ago

Our holy Torah has instructed us multiple times not to trust in human beings, even if they are Princes, Kings, Presidents. All the more so with regard to a politician who, to put it mildly, is not known for being particularly honest. Even if he was better than his election opponent, we should not get carried away with unrealistic expectations about him. We are to trust solely in the King of Kings, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, the Holy one, blessed be He, Almighty G-d. People who ignore that do so at their own peril.

1 month ago

Absolutely, because this deal is making Israel the most SUICIDICAL country on earth.

1 month ago

Everyone calm down. We’ve been crying about all the bad deals for the last year. As of any new deal….nothing has or likely will happen. Calm yourselves. There are no good options for “dealing” with Hamas. They hold the cards when it comes to a deal. They don’t care about world opinion or getting blown up. The only solution is to continue destroying them completely and rescue any hostages if possible. Don’t fool yourself that you know better. Israel has put itself in a worse and worse situation as they drag on the war. Use maximum force and finish it and stop slow walking this while worrying about the loud minority

1 month ago

im crazy over trump but this makes no sense
what bibi said he wont do under biden ( give the border crossing with Egypt back )
he is giving back

sadly oct 7 in ten years time

meir schrover
meir schrover
1 month ago

Bs”d. Agree with Yossi Gestetner on this topic. If this should be true, it is very troubling, to say the least.

Daas torah
Daas torah
1 month ago

Not surprising that chareidi parties are supporting hamas in this deal

1 month ago

this has nothing to do with trump. biden’s team threatened israel with either a bad u.n. resolution, or agree to an agreement before trump gets there, so trump cannot take responsibility for “resolving” the issue.

1 month ago

Those who voted for the Orange Buffoon, are already regretting it, and he did not even take office yet. Perhaps the RS”O is telling us, prepare for Moshiach, he will destroy the entire world order if not the world itself.

30 days ago

All those who supported Trump (for a variety of reasons) should now have the maturity, humility & intellectual honesty to concede that, at least as things APPEAR right AT THIS MOMENT, what Israel is doing—w/o question pressured by Trump—is NOT some wonderful Trump-enabled diplomatic triumph, but an astoundingly weak deal, “negotiated” by a victorious Israel making many concessions to an entirely boxed-in, overpowered enemy.
Trump’s recent attention-grabbing ultimatum to Hamas is now revealed as not just “hyperbolic” but totally meaningless, in the context of this ceasefire deal.
Things may not be what they seem—we can still hope that
1. there’s a lot more to the understanding bet. Netanyahu & Trump than what we know. It’s a fact that Netanyahu is very focused on Iran, which funds the terrorists—and Israel needs American support & assistance to decisively deal with that.
2. More good things will happen, for Israel & America, from the Trump administration.

But it would be nice if religious RW American Jews—who usually tend to seem vastly more sensible & grounded than their Lefty Jewish peers—would regain a bit of objectivity in regards to Trump, and remember that Torah values preclude putting unbridled trust in politicians.

Trump is a complicated, unpredictable, very undisciplined man, who may yet achieve some good things.
He is not Moshiach.
And mindlessly supporting everything he does, zealously straining to spin his every act as good & wise, reflects a weird, fanatical allegiance to this very flawed human being—particularly coming from religious Jews who should know better, not just because of our presumed values, but because of our history.

30 days ago

*Alan M. Dershowitz* writes: “The decision by the Israeli government to make significant concessions to the Hamas kidnappers should never be called a “deal.” It was an extortion…. The kidnapping was a crime. And the extortionate demand was an additional crime.
So is the proper description of what occurred is that Israel, pressured by the United States, capitulated to the unlawful and extortionate demands of Hamas – as the only way of saving the lives of kidnapped babies, mothers and other innocent, mostly civilian, hostages.
This was not the result of a negotiation between equals. The terrorists are not constrained by morality, law or truth. When a terrorist group “negotiates” with a democracy, it always has the upper hand.
If every democratic nation adopted a policy of never negotiating with terrorists, it might discourage terrorism. But every nation submits to the demands of kidnappers and extortionists, so terrorism and hostage-taking have become a primary tactic of the worst people in the world. And the rest of us are complicit.
Especially complicit, with blood on their hands, are supporters of Hamas on university campuses who chant for intifada and revolution. Also complicit are international organizations, such as the International Criminal Court, that treat Israel and Hamas as equals.
Let us put the blame for ALL the deaths in Gaza where it belongs: on Hamas and the useful idiots and useless bigots who support murderous terrorists.”

Yaakov S
Yaakov S
1 month ago

He’s definitely right to be concerned and even upset about it. I and so many others are as well. But don’t worry about it, because these wild animal Allah loving Jew haters won’t be able to behave and contain themselves and will continue to cause trouble with their terrorist attacks and once they do that all bets are off and Israel goes in and continues to finish them off once and for all and take all their territory away from them. Israel and Trump know that’s what’s going to happen and are just trying to show the world that they gave these savage butchers a chance and they blew it.

1 month ago

Oh my where have we gone that a guy like Gestetner is even a discussion.

1 month ago

To shvigger ; Thanks a lot.

30 days ago

Bottom line my friends
This deal has been sent by Heaven and not Trump or Biden. This happened because of shabbos violation on Oct 7 festival. Also the fact that israel is turning into Sodom with many cities having gay parades.

30 days ago

so his opinion is a news story?

shehchyanu vikymanu vihigyanu lazman haze
shehchyanu vikymanu vihigyanu lazman haze
1 month ago

Think this is the first time Gestetner got something correct in about 15 years since I first heard of him

1 month ago

Carrying this so called analysis here lowers the standard even more

Daas torah
Daas torah
1 month ago

Bibi should be prosecuted for having Israel commit suicide

1 month ago

The genius from the Mikva speaking
Gestenner some jel got into your brain

Go eat kugel ❤️

1 month ago

Gestener speak about kugel, this deal far a lot your league love you