WATCH: ‘Starving’ and ‘Destitute’ Gazans Throw Massive Street Celebration


GAZA (VINnews) — Thousands of Gazans took the streets in jubilance and celebration, following the announcement that a ceasefire had been reached between Israel and Hamas.

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Throngs of people, including Hamas terrorists with guns, gathered in groups, some hugging and taking photos with their mobile phones to mark the historic announcement.

Aviva Klompas, a vocal pro-Israel author who has a strong presence on X, sarcastically posted: “Do people who were being “genocided” typically have the ability to throw a street party on a moment’s notice?”

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1 month ago

Were they giving out candy or is that just when Jews and American are killed?

Famed Member
1 month ago

Just make them all martyrs.

1 month ago

And Israel ! Are you still going for this DISATER ? All to play onto the Yishmaeilim victory s Celebrations ?

mee hoo ze
mee hoo ze
1 month ago

Of course, they are celebrating the fact that they are finally able to return the hostages. After all, they can’t stand it when they [Israel] go[es] against international law.

1 month ago

They have quite a bit of energy and look pretty well fed for a starving and suffering people. Let them celebrate their “victory” after 50,000 of their own killed, their leaders gone , and place in rubble

Herman Williams
Herman Williams
1 month ago

What I see in these videos is what is called in the American military a “target rich environment”. I only wish the leadership of Israel would allow the IDF to go “weapons free”.

1 month ago

We don’t need to deny their suffering in order to give Israel legitimacy.