(VINnews) — In a rare television appearance, Ishay Ribo, the superstar Israeli singer opened up about his personal struggle to balance Torah study and mitzvah observance with the demands of his music career.
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“I have temptations and trials – these are exactly the things I sing about,” Ribo said in an interview on Israel’s Kan 11.
“Sometimes you can be a great messenger but still be fake with yourself – and I refuse to accept that,” Ribo said.
Ribo opened up about his personal battles: “I strive to fulfill commandments and maintain my connection to Torah study. But like anyone else, I have my ups and downs, temptations and trials. Ultimately, these struggles are what I pour into my music.”
Despite his massive success, Ribo maintains a modest lifestyle while raising his family, and has a deep commitment to frum values.
I would love for Ishay Ribo to make his Elul concert with separate seating so more people can join.
Ishay Ribo is a class act, good guy, makes a real Kiddush Hashem!