Congratulations to Elliot Resnick of VINnews on Securing a Pardon from Trump!


(VINnews) — Elliot Resnick, a VIN contributor and podcast host, has been released from prison, after being pardoned by President Trump.

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According to Newsweek, Resnick, an orthodox Jew and former Chief Editor of the Jewish Press, was one of many Jan 6 prisoners who was granted a full pardon. He had been convicted of obstruction of law enforcement during a civil disorder. He was sentenced to four months in prison, four months of home detention, 24 months of supervised release, and ordered to pay $10,539 in fines and restitution.

He was in the process of serving his four month prison sentence, which began on Election Day. Presumably the other penalties have been completely lifted, thanks to Trump’s sweeping pardon.

Just after his conviction, Resnick posted the following on X:

“For now, I have just two comments: 1) The January 6 protesters are heroes. 2) The left knows no rules, it respects no boundaries,” he said, promising more comment later. “It will do whatever it takes to win and advance its agenda. If the right doesn’t wake up and start matching the left’s ferocity, zealotry, and deviousness, this country will go down the drain,” he said.

The Department of Justice in a statement after the sentencing said Resnick had waved rioters into the Capitol, pulled rioters into the Capitol past police officers seeking to stop them, and held the arm of an officer who was attempting to spray irritant at the rioters.

VINnews wishes a Mazel Tov to Elliot, and we look forward to him sharing more details about his difficult ordeal.

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28 days ago

BH! And, the DOJ credibility is shot; there is no reason to believe a word they claim Resnick did

28 days ago

Mazel Tov!! Mazel Tov!!
We would like to soon wish you Mazal Tov on a Shidduch!!
You are from a very special family!!
All the brochos to you!!
Keep up the good work!

Yaakov S
Yaakov S
28 days ago

I was wondering and concerned about him this whole time. מזל טוב מזל טוב.

28 days ago

“thanks to Trump’s swapping pardon” Trump did not pardon vin error of Sweeping not swapping

Free at last, Thank G-d he is free at last
Free at last, Thank G-d he is free at last
28 days ago

Mr. Resnick שליט”א was persecuted more than others due to his strong right wing stances, which was an egregious miscarriage of justice. There were people that were there on Jan. 6 that neither sat in jail for one day, nor were charged at all. Hopefully our dear friend has emerged stronger and wiser for the experience. If he had to pay the fine levied against him, it should be refunded ASAP, and he should be compensated for his other losses due to the extended campaign against him.

27 days ago

Eliot ! Very well done .
Mazel Tov !

Rabbi Kolakowski
Rabbi Kolakowski
26 days ago

Mazel tov to Elliot

daas torah
daas torah
28 days ago

were so glad to have you back without you bibi went crazy and emptied Israeli prisons from hamas terrorists

28 days ago

Great news. A Jew participating in the putsch, attempting to overthrow the legitimate USA election. Really great. We’re soooo proud (boys)….