Gaza Journalist Claims Treif Chickens Delivered To Gaza ‘Unfit For Human Consumption’


JERUSALEM (VINnews) —A new “war” was declared this week against the residents of Gaza, according to a Gaza-based journalist named Hamza al-Masri. This time, it is not a military conflict, but rather a “war” over “chicken meat” that arrived from the markets of Israel. Al-Masri posted a picture of poultry with the caption “treif (non-kosher) birds,” claiming that they are unfit for human consumption.

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Al-Masri’s claim that “treif birds” are unfit for human consumption is simply incorrect. The term “treif” is a Jewish legal term referring to animals that were slaughtered improperly or died of other causes, which is why they are not eaten by Jews. However, for the residents of Gaza, who are not Jewish, there is no prohibition against consuming these birds.

“Israeli occupation farmers are spreading disease among the Gazans,” Al-Masri wrote, “this type of white meat is not meant for Israelis.” He even claimed that “Jewish rabbis consider these birds impure and forbidden, which is why Israel exports them to the Gaza Strip.”

Al-Masri went on to cite Jewish legal opinions, saying that these are “birds close to death due to disease” and even quoted laws from the Rashba (Rabbi Shlomo Ben Aderet), stating that “Birds with Motarot [additional limbs?] are considered impure and forbidden and should not be eaten according to Jewish law, because they are birds close to death from disease. The Jewish authorities emphasized in his book that these should not be slaughtered or mixed with regular, kosher poultry. If done, the verdict on the impure bird applies to regular poultry, making it forbidden.”

It seems that the Gazan journalist, in his haste to blame Israel for all evil, has confused Jewish dietary laws with general nutritional regulations. Perhaps he should study a bit of Jewish law before declaring a “new war” over it.



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21 days ago

Well ,Who is paying for their chicken:
to begin with ?

Dr. Alex Morales
Dr. Alex Morales
21 days ago

Nice to know that Al Masri is makpid on a heimishe hechsher. Is he also demanding Cholov Yisroel dairy?

21 days ago

Although not relevant to this story, it’s important to point out that “al-Masri” means “the Egyptian”. An important hint to the origins of this, as well as so many other, “Palestinians”.

21 days ago

They should package the נבילות of the Nukhba terrorists laced with cyanide as meat packages and send them to Gaza.

Texas Yid
Texas Yid
21 days ago

Fine. Throw it away rather than sell them to Arabs. Let them all die from hunger.

mee hoo ze
mee hoo ze
21 days ago

This guy should lecture the “enlightened” nations of Europe that shechita is better than their methods.

21 days ago

To Sherlock : Thanks . Unbelievable !

kmv fan
kmv fan
20 days ago

maybe they can get an arab rav to give the hechsher for the right price

20 days ago

Arabs are idiots, do we believe anything they say???

just me
just me
20 days ago

But it’s kinda true. It’s fit to eat (aka not kosher). True – only a Jew must follow the criteria, it’s reasonable to believe that it’s not fit to eat according to halacha, period. It’s just that halacha is concerned with the Jew.

20 days ago

who that can act like a jew, can get jewish shechita. no arabs like that in gaza