(VINnews) — Michael Savage launched a new TV show on Newsmax and hosted conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson as his first guest. The two spent time focusing on Chabad and Judaism.
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Savage said that his Chabad Rabbi prayed for his new show to succeed, and even sent a message to the head Rabbi in Brooklyn to pray for him.
Carlson discussed reform Judaism, observing that its followers are empty.
Savage has grown close with Chabad over the years. He recently posted a video online of himself putting on Tefillin during a live podcast.
Carlson has made numerous past comments which have led to speculation that he sympathizes with antisemites.
Outrageous. Carlsen has a history of attacking Judaism period, without differentiating between any branch of its religion.
He engaged in Holocaust denial and distortion against ALL Jews when he called Nazi apologist and Holocaust denier Darryl Cooper, one of the “best” and “most honest” historians in the US.
He platforms those who spread slanders of Israel , including Candace Owens, who has gone off the deep end with increasingly deranged antisemitic rants.
He was sued for antisemitic abuse by a Jewish employee.
The list goes on and on.
Did Savage call him out for any of this?
To anyone with a modicum of intelligence, it’s apparent that Tucker Carlson is a Jew Hater. Just a few samples: 1. He recently hosted (and endorsed as brilliant), a so called Historian that claimed that Churchill was the villain in WWII, that he caused the war because he owed money to Jews. 2. He is anti Zelenskyy, & constantly uses Nazi antisemitic tropes when referring to Zelenskyy. 3. Of all American heroes, his choice is always Henry Ford.
For those of my Generation, he makes Patrick Buchanan look like a normal Conservative, with no animus towards Jews. Don’t be naive, Carlson is a very dangerous person. He’s the one who convinced Trump to take JD Vance (an “old school Catholic” who has had very little contact with Jews; probably never saw one until he went to Law School) as his VP. He has a lot of influence with Trump; and Vance (who has a better than even chance to become the next President) owes Carlson “bigly”. Hashem Yishmor.
Tucker Carlson is well-known for his anti -Judaism and especially anti-israel stance. So why does it matter that Michael Savage on… it’s just show business and nothing else.
Savage has always spoken of Chabad and fondly. The man learns Tanach and has a proficiency in it that is almost unparalleled. (Which is evident if you listen to his shows and not just random click bait like this) He was tefilin and has had Rabbi Shais Taub on his show.
He talks about learning with his Chabad Rabbi as well.
i remember when you had an article a few months ago about tucker Carlson being an antisemite. (Which back then i left a comment criticizing that stupid article)
What changed?
Feeling good to take the winners side?
While on fox in the beginning Carlson was a conservative of the right wing but over time he began to change is he an anti semite. He certainly has evolved into
One And as for as the weiner was never a great fan
Tucker Carlson & other American’s antagonism to Jews is in the mould of those of the British Empire at its height. It is the age-old feeling that the vanquished Jew has risen again on their backs. See similar in other Empires. This last year has proven that diaspora Jews have no power nor authority to protect their own when the mass pogroms start. You’re all living on borrowed time.
All due respect & good luck to Michael Savage & his recent enthusiasm for Judaism & Chabad…
$$ who specifically in these last couple of years when so many Jews have rediscovered Jewish pride & self-respect, has made antisemitism a big part of his own identity—does not speak well for his Mr. Savage’s show or his Jewish identity.
…But Savage’s choice (& obsequious excitement) of launching his new show with unbearably smug, unquestionably antisemitic Tucker Carlson as his guest—an overrated pompous
It seems like sometimes, some Jews may get confused about this, but meaningful conversations with Chabad personalities is not more important to your Jewishness than identifying with the entire Jewish people. And that means not extending a warm hand to people who are enemies of Israel.
Of course, professionalism & pragmatic self-interest mean you don’t necessarily insult or pick a fight with the biggest names in the industry. But neither do you have to kiss up to them.
It’s ironic that some of Carlson’s comments about religion—whether Jewish or Christian—contain some truthful insights.
But that reflects the common ground about values that many conservatives, Jews & Christian alike, share—it does not in any way. cancel out or diminish or excuse Tucker’s accepting & platforming antisemitic blood libels, distortions & conspiracy BS.
I’m always gonna be with the losers
Carlson has a huge influence with Trump; and convinced Trump to take JD Vance as his running mate. Vance, who has a better than even chance to become the next President, is an old school Catholic who grew up in the Appalachian mountains raised by his grandmother, and probably never met a Jew until Law School. Hashem Yishmor.
Episcopalianism is more like Conservative Judaism –
Happens to be that Tucker Carlson is and always was a man who is outspoken and has alot of integrity and common sense. Yes, he can be ‘accused of anti-Jewish sentiment’ and considering the Jews he has mostly been exposed to, in his experience, (they are way far from Bobover Chassidim and erlicha Torahdiga Chaim Berlin yingleit, etc! What kind of Jews does he have or have had experience and exposure to? – the worst of the worst! ADL. reform Jews. self-hating leftist, progressive democrats. the like of Doug Emnoff and Bernie Sanders, Adam Schiff – traitors, fools, scum-bags, like Jeffrey Epstein, ad nauseum. As a decent and moral human being, and highly intelligent man, a believer in his religion, whether Catholic or whatever denomination of Christianity, who can blame him for coming to a hegative opinion of Jews! Again, he has never met a wonderful idealistic, honest, decent chassidish yingerman, who just might be working hard, honestly, raising a decent G-d-fearing family, living modestly, in Brooklyn or anywhere, not stealing or cheating, davening 3 times a day to Hashem, loyal to his wife and family, etc. Tucker, and many non-Jews have no knowledge or contact with this picture of the Jewish people – only the horrible examples, the ones who are a chillul Hashem, not a kiddush Hashem. Thanks to Michael Savage for his good intentions and maybe , making a bit of difference here! Gitta voch to all01
Carlson being critical of Jews in not anti-Semitism. Just because he’s not in love with us as a people doesn’t mean he has to be or that he’s a neo-Nazi. He’s right to criticize the ADL which, in my view, has done more to cheapen actual anti Jewish action and foment Jew hatred than most muftis. Another unpopular opinion – Zionism has less connection or relation to Judaism than Reform Judaism. He’s correct that establishing a connection to the Creator is the point, and that without that, there isn’t a point.