WASHINGTON D.C (VINnews)-New York Democratic Congressman Jerry Nadler, long known for his harsh criticism of Israel, has once again launched an unfair attack on the Jewish state. Nadler, whose voting record has consistently aligned with the far-left agenda, voted against key measures aimed at combating rising antisemitism in the United States and abroad. This troubling move is further compounded by his financial ties to J Street, an organization notorious for undermining Israel’s interests and promoting policies that weaken its security.
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Nadler’s stance is not new. Despite claiming to be a staunch supporter of Israel, his actions have repeatedly contradicted this claim. From voting against Israel’s right to defend itself during past conflicts to aligning with progressive factions that openly criticize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership, Nadler’s rhetoric has emboldened Israel’s enemies.
His latest remarks come at a time when Israel is facing unprecedented security challenges. Hamas and Hezbollah continue to escalate their threats from Gaza and Lebanon, and Iran remains steadfast in its pursuit of a nuclear weapon. In this environment, it is crucial for American leaders to show unwavering support for Israel and its democratically elected government. Yet, Nadler’s words and actions seem to play into the hands of those seeking to delegitimize and isolate Israel on the global stage.
Prime Minister Netanyahu, a leader with a proven track record of protecting Israel’s interests and ensuring its security, has faced relentless opposition from left-leaning figures in both Israel and the U.S. Yet, he remains resolute in his commitment to safeguard the Jewish state. Nadler’s criticism of Netanyahu, along with his backing of J Street, raises questions about where his true loyalties lie.
J Street, funded by some of the most radical elements of the far-left, has consistently promoted policies that would weaken Israel’s security and diplomatic standing. Its support for a two-state solution and constant pressure on Israel to make dangerous concessions to Palestinian authorities is not only unrealistic but also jeopardizes the safety of Israeli citizens. It is no surprise that Nadler’s views are closely aligned with J Street’s, as the organization has been a major contributor to his campaigns.
As antisemitic incidents are on the rise worldwide, particularly in the United States, it is disgraceful that a Jewish congressman like Nadler would fail to vote in favor of critical measures to combat this hatred. His actions betray both his constituents and the Jewish community, which relies on leaders to stand up against antisemitism, not turn a blind eye to it.
Nadler’s repeated attacks on Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu are out of touch with the realities on the ground. The Israeli government, under Netanyahu’s leadership, is doing everything it can to ensure the security and safety of its citizens while navigating an increasingly hostile geopolitical landscape. Israel needs support from its allies, not criticism that only serves to embolden those who wish to see its destruction.
At a time when unity is more critical than ever, Nadler’s actions are disgraceful, and his alignment with far-left organizations like J Street only serves to undermine the very state he claims to support.
The JudenRAT club of the DemonRATs
Dog ben dog. Rasha ben rasha.
As his belt ever rises and rises, let us pray that it and his trousers with it, should soon reach and strap his nonsensical mouth shut tight. We will be served well when he and Schumer will join sleepy Joe at his adult care facility.
this jackass will stay a jackass , my only problem is when the unelected goons of brooklyn eat pizza with him , and take this mamzer on a visit to countless rebbes per say to make him look as good jew ,when in fact this putz is an outright self hating jew through and through
Nadler is part of the Soros anti-semitic gang
do any frum Jews even vote for this fellow?
His district is totally woke leftist, and so is he.
It looks like he has been sleeping in his clothes for the past three nights. What a pig. A boosha to the Congress
He and Schumer are arm chair quarterbacks on Israel security issues, and voicing their uneducated opinion from Brooklyn while fellow Jews are out there fighting Arab hatred. Am Yisrael hai.
And when he needs to run for re election he will be backed by the frummy organizations But we need to remember many frum people are die hard dems
“I continue to believe that the two state solution is the only solution” (Jerry Nadler)
Who the —- asked you Jerry?? I have a solution for you too, Jerry. Start eating less cos your weight is creeping up on you and you don’t want to look like you once looked, along with that ugly face if yours!!
U idiot, the Arabs refused 2 state solution from day 1 at 1948 m they only use it as a pathway to destroy Israel and useful idiots like u buy &sell this
aren’t there enough yids and enough gelt to get rid of him at the next election? there’s got to be a better candidate somewhere…
Ban & JerrysNadler, I Scream
Term Limits for the 3.
I don’t see any questions as to Nadler’s loyalties. It isn’t to Israel and it isn’t to America. His loyalties are obvious. If it fits a liberal agenda, then he’s good.
remember the video where he pooped his pants, and side waddled offstage??
Dathan and Aviram were rebellious after literally taking on the back to protect their fellow Jews–but were consumed when they became rebellious. Nadler himself is hitting the Jews, getting enriched in the process, and pushing the world to hate Jews even more than they already do.
Nadler, a self hating Jew, is a sorry douche bag. His sorry fat ass sits in protected D.C. and this fool thinks he can tell Israel what is best for Israel. His head has been up his ass for too long.
He’s supported by Maga maga, Taka taka and a host of other self hating Jews who regularly post here.
It’s time he drops dead
Expecting muslim baby, Mazel tov
The little troll is not looking well …
If this piece of human excrement were alive during WWII he would have been one the top Kapos. Hopefully HaMalcha Movis will pay him a visit very soon, along with his buddy the self proclaimed “Shomer Yisorel”
What dd he say that was wrong?