Just 461 Charedi Inductees Enlisted, Edelstein: We May Have To Cancel Exemptions


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Brigadier General Shay Taib, who is responsible for drafting charedim into the IDF, stated Monday morning during a Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee discussion on the Draft Law that “as of January 20, out of the first 3,000 draft notices sent [in September in accordance with IDF requirements], 461 individuals have reported for military duty. As of that date, 1,242 were under Order 12 (a draft order that turns into an arrest warrant after a month), and another 1,212 were under active arrest warrants.”

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Rabbi Yaakov Medan, head of the Har Etzion Yeshiva and co-author of the Gavison-Medan covenant which formalized the relationship between religion and the state, commented on the draft issue: “Anyone who claims, in the name of the Torah, that there is no obligation to share in the burden of military service is driven by foreign motives of alienation toward those who are different from us.” He added, “If the state continues to provide support to sectors that do not enlist, it sends a positive message that society can function without them, which is unacceptable.”

Rabbi Medan also addressed the stance of charedi rabbis, stating that: “Rabbis should grant their students much more freedom of choice and trust that they can remain devoted to Torah study even while serving in the military.” He continued, “There are ongoing debates about who has the final say—the rabbi or the commander. The military cannot function if the commander does not have the final word.”

Committee Chairman Yuli Edelstein remarked that at some point, if the recruitment targets are not met, the military will no longer be able to grant exemptions. He stated, “Regarding the claim that similar recruitment targets have been tried in the past and failed—the atmosphere today has changed. We may be able to formulate a resolution that will finally put an end to the argument that no matter what targets are set, the charedim won’t enlist and the IDF doesn’t want them.”

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15 days ago

Might help not to surrender every victory that is won with Jewish blood. Just a thought…

Alta Bubby
Alta Bubby
15 days ago

Build kosher Mukvehs
Glatt Kosher
Chalav Yisroel
No girls
Shiur Torah
If Rabbonim and Admorim tell us to go
Then we will

I left NY
I left NY
15 days ago

This guy is no “Rabbi”

15 days ago

Medan is entitled to disagree, maybe. But to impute motivations to others is just contemptible. How dare he decide what motivates others?

15 days ago

Medan belittles the importance Torahso Umanoso in protecting the state as the HalachaIin Yorei Deah states.
Thank you to all the full-time true Lomdei Torah AND Tzahal soldiers for your service.

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
15 days ago

There are some very holy hesder boys who we see are shtieging in the army too. We see syuimim made and the thelim they say. R asher weiss cries when he hears the shails coming out of that unit such as a boy whose arms were blown off wants to know how to best out on teflin. How could you say that hesder doesn’t work? Why can’t charedim do the same?

15 days ago

Lo tamod al dam roacha.