A Day After Singing Tzama Nafshi With Avraham Fried, Chabad Emissary Passes Away Suddenly


NEW YORK (VINnews) — BDE: Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Wolosow, the Chabad emissary from Manalapan, New Jersey, passed away Monday at the age of 43. Just a day before, he sang with singer Avraham Fried the words, “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; when shall I come and appear before God?”— but just a day later, he suffered a heart attack while skiing and passed away a short time later.

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Rabbi Wolosow, a dedicated Chabad emissary, was known for his devotion to others, his teaching, and the inspiration he provided. He dedicated his life to educating and uplifting Jews.

Rabbi Wolosow and his family traveled to Pennsylvania to attend a Hasidic concert featuring Avraham Fried, who invited him to sing together with him the moving song Tzamah Nafshi. Less than a day after singing alongside him, Rabbi Wolosow suffered a medical emergency and was hospitalized. His family traveled to the Ohel of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to pray for him, but then received the devastating news of his passing.

Rabbi Wolosow brought hundreds of Jews closer to their heritage. When two children in his community became orphans, he took them into his home. Originally from Sharon, Massachusetts, he was raised by his parents, Rabbi Chaim and Sarah Wolosow, who lead the Chabad House there.

His role extended far beyond teaching classes—he prepared children for their Bar Mitzvahs, organized holiday events, visited homes to affix mezuzahs, and helped establish kosher kitchens.

He is survived by his wife, Chanele Wolosow (née Khazanov), his children Noach, Dov, Mendel, Tzipa, Miriam, and Uziel, as well as his adopted children Naomi and Tani. He is also survived by his parents and numerous siblings.

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14 days ago

how can we help his family?

Itchie Gross
Itchie Gross
14 days ago

Is there a go fund me page or other link to help?

14 days ago

BD”E. Terrible tragic loss and another unexplained SAD R”L.

14 days ago


14 days ago

It is certainly a sad tragedy, and the thrust of the article should be about helping his young family, but why do we have to “yellow-jounalize” even a real מפלה such as this to keep on telling us that he sang with Fried the day before? Was that a groise mitzvah? Was that his last “contribution” to society ח״ו? Is it relevant to properly mourning for the fellow? Where is your sechel, VIN? Why don’t you share what color suit he wore at the time? Or some other “vichtig” information…