Historic Gathering of Leading Rabbis Unites Against Controversial ‘Lev Tahor’ Group in Boro Park


    BOROUGH PARK – A historic gathering of leading rabbis convened Tuesday afternoon in Boro Park at the home of the Munkatcher Rebbe. The “Asifas Gedolei HaRabbonim” brought together top Hasidic leaders from Satmar, Pupa, Vizhnitz, Bobov, Vien, Skver, Belz, and Jaworzno, as well as prominent Rosh Yeshivas such as Rav Malkiel Kotler from Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood.

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    The meeting focused on addressing the controversial “Lev Tahor” group and the troubling reports emerging from within. The rabbis discussed possible actions, heard testimonies from respected figures involved, and received updates from activists. The goal was to unify the community against the group.

    Key speakers included the Satmar Dayan of Antwerp, the Sighet Rav, and renowned activist Moshe David Niederman, who has led legal efforts against the group. Testimonies came from Rabbi Ezra Moshe Kaira, Moshe Aharon Gutman, and a grandfather whose seven grandchildren are involved in the sect.

    The gathering was concluded by activist Shimon Yisroel Posen, who provided a detailed overview of the ongoing situation.

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    14 days ago

    Good start
    Now do Neturei Karta

    14 days ago

    I think it is most important that the authorities see that we are united in not holding their hands. Certainly we do not wish harm against any Jew but this crazy group has to be roasted so that the women and children have a chance at a healthy and normal life.

    14 days ago

    So it can be done. We can get the rabbonim to sit, talk and agree.
    Now do agunos.

    14 days ago

    stop the funding of this cult

    Yaakov S
    Yaakov S
    14 days ago

    Wow. The sad situation with so many children and young adults involved in this sect is truly heartbreaking and is on many in the communities mind . Pray that it’s great to hear that the leadership is involved in it.

    14 days ago

    Everyone hold your horses. Nothing was done yet.

    13 days ago

    Since Lev Tahor isn’t headquartered in BP, title more appropriate as ‘Historic Gathering in Boro Park of Leading Rabbis Unites Against Controversial ‘Lev Tahor’ Group’

    14 days ago

    Neturei karta is just as cultish

    14 days ago

    Did Ami magazine cover this meeting event?

    13 days ago

    Contoversial ?!?
    There is nothing controvesial about these evil amoratzim, that have perverted the Torah for their own depraved pleasure. The women, children, and innocent men need to be rescued, and the deacadent , degenerate leaders of this cult need to be locked up, and kept away from society.

    What took so long?
    What took so long?
    14 days ago

    This cult has been in existence for years

    14 days ago

    who would want to join such a nut group as Lev Tahor? You have to have something wrong upstairs to even consider them as a path in Orthodoxy.

    Sad but true
    Sad but true
    13 days ago

    Minchas Eluzar, and ybd”l his grandson Munkatch rebbe in his footsteps, were/are especially focused on Pidyon Shvuim. I guess in this case (as reported by this story) the Shvuim are the children and women who need to be rescued from their Jewish captors

    11 days ago

    What was discussed and what was the outcome? What are the steps – if any that will be done to a) stop them, b) save those that want out?

    14 days ago

    Where were the politicians at this meeting who maybe better connected to effectuate any resolutions passed at this meeting

    9 days ago

    What exactly is wrong with Lev Tahor?

    13 days ago

    Where is Dov hikind when you need him

    13 days ago

    What’s this whole meeting for? It’s obvious to everyone that LT is a problem and LT doesn’t give a damn about the meeting. Maybe use their time for something more constructive.

    Zaidy Rabinowitz
    Zaidy Rabinowitz
    14 days ago

    I wonder if there was a meal afterwards and was on the menu.