Eda Charedis Rules: ‘It’s Forbidden To Enlist In National Or Military Service Of Any Type’


    JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In the wake of the Knesset’s authorization of the 2022 draft law, which allows for a gradual growth in charedi enlistment together with financial sanctions if enlistment quotas are not reached, the members of the Eda Charedis’s rabbinical court (Badatz) issued a sharp ruling against enlisting in any type of service for the state – both national service and IDF military service.

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    In a letter published by the Badatz, they attacked the charedi MKs for lending their support to the current draft law, which according to the Badatz includes “compromises, concessions and quotas.” The Badatz warned parents to “be on the alert.”

    The members of the Badatz had met with Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, the Gaabad (head of the rabbinical courts) who told them that the state is using subversive methods to recruit charedim and that it was the duty of the Eda to stand strong and not continue to remain silent.

    Rabbi Sternbuch concluded “May Hashem give us the strength to withstand this big test.”

    The leaders of the Eda Charedis, Rabbi Shimon Weiss and Rabbi Efraim Stern, called for a  demonstration against the new legislation, which will take place on Thursday, Isru Chag Shavuos.

    It was also reported that the Satmar Rebbe, Rav Zalman Leib had authorized the funding for a huge demonstration to take place in the coming weeks. It is unclear where the demonstration will take place.

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    Geon Yaakov
    Geon Yaakov
    3 days ago

    Did they write a teshuva explaining why they believe it’s forbidden? Is it only assur for talmidei chachamim or for everyone?
    Is it because it goes against 3 shevuos? Or for supporting a medina that’s run against Torah? Bitul Torah? Is it some sort of takana?
    I understand that it’s important for bnei yeshivos to learn Torah instead of joining the army, and I believe the government must support that. But why is it an issur to join the army?

    Joe Morasha
    Joe Morasha
    3 days ago

    I don’t understand the need or call for demonstrations. Just go learn more in the Bais haMedrash. If that is sufficient to protect the entire country from imminent physical attaches (as they claim), surely that should be enough to counter the simple edict of a non religious government. Or is the whole Eda corrupt (YES!) and this just shows the true hypocrisy being performed?

    The Judge
    The Judge
    4 days ago

    The UTJ should not ignore this Psak. Deferments for full time Torah learners is NOT negotiable. If frum men want to leave the Yeshiva/Kollel and go out to work, then they have to accept the draft, but otherwise, no compromises, which only spell the beginning of the end.

    Queen Isabella
    Queen Isabella
    3 days ago

    Rabbi Zalman Leib should be busy
    with peace first before nosying in . Hameivin yovin.