Pro-Palestine Mob On NY Subway: ‘Raise Your Hands If You’re Zionist, Your Chance To Get Out’


NEW YORK (VINnews) —A pro-Palestinian mob challenged and taunted passengers aboard a crowded New York City subway car to identify themselves as Zionists on Monday, as shown in viral social media clip.

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The demonstrators can be heard chanting, “Raise your hand if you’re a Zionist. This is your chance to get out.”

After nobody responded, a man shouted, “Okay, no Zionists here. We’re good.”The incident occured at the 14th Street-Union Square station, American media sources reported.

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) took to X on Wednesday to slam the protestors.

“Anti-Zionism is a modern manifestation of antisemitism,” Torres wrote on X, formerly Twitter, in response to a video of the protestors. “Anyone threatening to purge ‘Zionists’ (i.e. most Jews) from public places is an antisemite. Period.”

An ABC news report said that police see this behavior as “overt anti-semitism” which goes beyond free speech and could be classified as coercion. Police have asked those who felt intimidated on the subway to come forward and submit complaints.

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4 days ago

So were these nazis hauled in ? If there aren’t laws to criminalise this type of behaviour we’ve got to press our representatives to institute some. Armchair deploring of such beasts is not helpful. I’m writing to my senator- but I don’t live in nyc.

4 days ago

“and the new brown shirts wore keffiyehs…”

Bernhard H. Rosenberg
Bernhard H. Rosenberg
4 days ago

Very nazi like.

Noble Member
4 days ago

If the government can sue Trump even though no banks or others claimed injury, then the government can sue these individuals for disrupting the subways even if nobody steps up to claim duress.

4 days ago

Wht we need now is Rav Meir Kahane Z’TL & the JDL. PERIOD END OF STORY

4 days ago

They are Brainless Clueless that’s why they repeat everything that any idiot who decides to start chanting like Parrots just like they can be convinced very easily to be suicide bombers

The democratic party base are Hamas supporters.
The democratic party base are Hamas supporters.
4 days ago

Call it what it is, pro-hamas Jew haters.

Chamas hemelech
Chamas hemelech
3 days ago

Just keep voting for democrats recommend by self appointed askanim

3 days ago

The NYPD (pertaining to this article), stated that the victims should “file complaints”. The complaints will gather dust in a file. The real question is where are the NY National Guard that Gov. Hochul promised would patrol the subways? Also, why doesn’t the NYPD have constant patrols on the subways. From 1965-1974, there was one transit cop on every subway train and every station, from 8PM-4AM. Unfortunately, in an economy move, they were removed. It is time to reinstate those patrols, with expanded hours, dalong with the cops who used to dress up as Chassidim, in order to trap the robbers, and other deviants, who prey upon Jews.

3 days ago

No Zionist on Sunday and no normal American on subway these days,
This must end but won’t, only if Trump is being re- elected 2024 otherwise America is FINISHED KAPUT

3 days ago

Although we know that Hashem is in control and behind all these incidents, we are also commanded to do our hishtadlus to protect ourselves. We should demand that Agudah and all the other relevant organizations stand up to insist that these people be brought to justice. There are cameras everywhere and I’m sure somewhere they can be seen putting on the masks and then identified. If this would happen to a black community or even pro Hamas by zionists, there would be witch hunt. If we can’t do anything but keep silent then we need to get out of New York, this is shades on nazi Germany in the early 1930’s. And the reactions are the same. So much for ‘ never again’. If we jews get out of new York the economy will plummet here. We need to make a statement or we only have ourselves to blame. Then the rest is up to Hashem

Conservative Carl
Conservative Carl
3 days ago

If you chas v’shalom are forced to fight one of these ashholes, go for their face covering. They’re clearly more comfortable getting punched than they are revealing their identities.

3 days ago


Educated Archy
Educated Archy
3 days ago

The USA needs to ban free speech