Yeshiva Asks for $250 Donations to Compensate for Government Cuts


(VINnews) — The Belz yeshiva in Israel has asked for $250 donations, to offset the potential of severe government budget cuts, due to the controversial draft law.

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In light of the prospect of significant cuts for yeshiva funding as directed by the Supreme Court, the Belzer Rebbe’s gabbai requested donations for yeshiva students, in the presence of the Rebbe himself, to thousands of Chasidim.

According to Israeli media, the gabbai made the request on the Rebbe’s behalf, while sharply criticizing the government.

“Since the authorities in the Holy Land have declared a campaign against Torah learners, and due to our many sins, have stolen the bread from the mouths of needy Torah scholars in order to force them to go to the army, the time has come to unite as a solid wall against the pursuers of religion, and to wage the battle of Torah to thwart their plans,” he said.

“At the Rebbe’s request, everyone, both in Israel and abroad, is asked to come to the aid of the mighty ones of Hashem and commit to at least one month of $250… and whoever adds, more will be added to him [in return].”

“And by standing firm at this time, we will prove to all that, ‘No weapon forged against you will prevail,’ and the eternity of Israel will not lie, and we will soon see the Torah proud again, along with its learners.”

The request concluded with a blessing: “Those who respond to the holy call will merit long life, blessed children, ample sustenance, and all the blessings of the Torah, Amen.”

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10 days ago

“sharply criticizing the government” seriously?? That’s called sharply criticizing??
And yea the Belze Rav is one of the smartest people alive!! He is totally not an ant i Zionist but when it comes to Torah there are boundaries!!!

11 days ago

They should give up all state funds like Satmar.

If they take funds from the state, then the state should have full control on them .

כּח הפּועל בנפעל

10 days ago

If VIN considers this important enough to tell us about, why not provide details as to how those who wish to contribute can do so?

7 days ago

The decrease in funding has not yet occurred but already asking for more donations!! What if the funding cuts do not occur – will the donations be returned?

6 days ago

The concept of “make your Sabbath meals simple, and don’t ask for handouts” should apply here. There is no Torah obligation to go on vacations, or even Uman on Rosh HaShana. Even scheitels could be sold, by their “Righteous Women” who could then wear a scarf, which covers all their hair.