Secret Service Agent Robbed at Gunpoint During Biden’s Los Angeles Trip, Police Say

    President Joe Biden walks to his limousine as he arrives on Air Force One, Saturday, June 15, 2024, in Los Angeles. Biden will attend a campaign event Saturday night. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

    LOS ANGELES (AP) — A U.S. Secret Service agent was robbed at gunpoint as President Joe Biden was visiting Los Angeles for a fundraising event over the weekend, officials said.

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    The agent was returning from work Saturday night when he was accosted in a residential community in Tustin, about an hour’s drive southeast of Los Angeles, according to the U.S. Secret Service.

    Someone called the Tustin Police Department shortly after 9:30 p.m. to report the robbery. Police said the agent had his bag stolen at gunpoint. The agent, who was not injured, fired his gun during the confrontation, police said. The Secret Service said they did not know if anyone was shot.

    Tustin Police said Monday they had not found a suspect. Officers did find some of the agent’s stolen belongings in the area. Police reported a silver Infiniti FX35 was seen leaving the scene.

    Biden and former President Barack Obama held a star-studded fundraising event in Los Angeles on Sunday that brought in more than $30 million for Biden’s reelection campaign.

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    10 days ago

    Bidens America

    Chamas hemelech
    Chamas hemelech
    10 days ago

    Article says Not sure if the crook was shot even though the agent fired a shot.i would’ve imagined that the guy protecting the potus would have deadly aim. I guess not necessary to have deadly aim if you’re protecting biden who in their right mind would heaven forbid assainate biden.we would then wind up with the cackling camel ,May the lord have mercy.

    10 days ago

    I thought secret service are the best trained security guards. How can he get robbed at gun point?? Something doesn’t add up

    9 days ago

    no one seems safe in USA, next they will rob Biden if he can remember where his wallet is….

    9 days ago

    Doesn’t get better than this!

    mee hoo ze
    mee hoo ze
    9 days ago

    Biden’s dog commander couldn’t get there fast enough to bite the perpetrator!?

    9 days ago

    Another DEI Hire

    9 days ago

    could be the silver Infiniti FX35 was there fundraising for “somebody” as well?

    laughing stock
    laughing stock
    9 days ago

    America has become the laughing stock of the world now.